Chapter 4 - Sky Wolves

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Zero's POV

It's been a few days since the incident in the fae kingdom. I knew if Oiamh the next Luna of the forest had died and they learned a sky wolf was there I would be blamed for her death so I saved her...though I can't shake the feeling I've met and known her before.

"Lord Zero the elders wish to speak with you" one of the hunter wolves told me

"I see. Thank you soldier." I responded then went to the elder's den.

"You wished to speak with me elders?" I asked when I entered the den.

"Ah yes. Why did you save the life of that forest mutt?" they replied.

I knelt down in front of them as they were addressing me, as is customary.

"I was thinking of our clan. If Oiamh of the Forest Wolves had died and word got out I was there, our clan would have been at risk of a murder accusation." But also because I really do feel I've met her before....

"Very well. You may leave" then I got up and left.

"What was that about son?" Father asked me

"They merely were curious to why I helped the next Luna of the forest wolves. I simply did it to protect us...." I said to him

"Zero you know you can tell me anything...I can tell something else is bugging you and I know it's not your curse..." Dad said as we walked back to our home to see Mom

"I just can't shake the feeling I've met her before....and...I kind of seemed to have developed feelings for her..." I replied

"I see....maybe you and her hung out before the great wolf flight?"

"Maybe....Mom might know since I recall she was friends with a forest wolf..."

"Might know what dearest pup?" Mom asked when dad and I got home

"Might know if I hung out with a forest wolf by the name of Oiamh when I was younger before the flight of the wolves"

"Indeed you did. Her mother was a dear friend of mine. Why don't you go visit them. I'm sure you'd be keen to see whether or not the little pup regained her consciousness" Mom suggested so I did just that.

I returned to the land below then came across a clearing where I saw Esterra and Oiamh! She's awake again! I felt my heart skip a beat or two but it seems they're practising magic so I'll not disturb them

Oiamh's POV

"Focus on your breathing. Feel the breeze flowing through you. You can become one with the nature around us and sense anything you wish" Esterra told me as I was practising my nature magic

"You can come out now sky wolf. I know you're there" I called then saw a wolf walk into the clearing

 I know you're there" I called then saw a wolf walk into the clearing

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(What Zero looks like right now - wings and all)

"I remember're the sky wolf I saw at the fae kingdom. What brings you back to the land?" I asked him

"I was worried about you after that monster attacked you...I didn't want the forest wolves to lose such a compassionate and caring Luna heir....." Zero told me which came as a surprise.

"Zero be honest why do you sky wolves care about us forest wolves? It's been 12 years since you returned to the sky...." I asked as we walked to the castle for a meeting with every guardian and guardian in training

"It wasn't out choice to mother and father told me if they had a say in the matter we would have remained to stay on the land but when the elders told us to return to the sky no one can say otherwise...." Zero explained then we arrived to the throne room where all the guardians were. Even my father was here as the great wolf warrior.

"Thank you all for coming. As you know talks with the fae got disturbed and we are now unsure if they wil re-ally with us or stay out of the concern of us." Queen Niamh said to which I felt bad

"Don't feel bad...Esterra, Yukio, you and I had no clue the wolf of decay was going to show up" Zero whispered to me then gave me a hug. I felt at ease in his embrace like he may be my future alpha

"I can assure you all my fae and I will be by your side no matter what. Your ambassadors proved to us things have changed for the better. And it pleases me to see you hale and whole little puppy" Ryella said when she flew in

"Thank you your majesty. Were it not for Zero's intervention I would have died" I replied to which they smiled before paying respects to Oisin and Niamh

"The time will soon be upon us when the new guardians of nature as well as lightning and wind will be annointed." Oisin said then I just drooped my ears

"Something the matter sweetie?" Dad asked me

"It's nothing dad..." I replied

"I've known you since we were just wolf pups Oiamh, I was the blue haired wolf you hung out with nearly every day, I can tell something is bugging you and that there is something on your mind" wait...Zero was that wolf from my childhood

"I thought your name sounded familier" Mom said when she came over smiling

"Indeed but what happened to you? your hair and eyes changed entirely..." Dad asked

"not long after the flight I was cursed to be an undead wolf to a degree. I still age like a normal wolf but my heart was frozen so I turned into this appearance. Like that of a ghost" Zero explained then the meeting was over

"Skyla and Rowen. It's great to see you both again" Dad said to them

"The feeling is mutual. I see our wolf pups reunited with each other. You two were inseperable when you were younger...before everything happened" Rowen replied then I got pats on the head from Zero before they flew home.

Mayhap I can be with Zero...mayhap.

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