Chapter 32 - An Angel's Tears (Battle Pt.3)

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Rio's POV

Now that Sylva and I are living in the forest again...things have changed.

Normally when a leader steps down, they're supposed to live in the crescent castle with our king, and yet Oiamh defied that by asking us to stay here with her.

For a reason, that I honestly understand. She's lost her father and wants to keep her remaining family close.

" aught amiss?" Sylva asked me.

I might be blind but I have other ways of seeing the world still. I knew I would lose my sight the day I accepted my gift of omnipotence from the heavens themselves but, I wish I could give back this gift and reclaim my vision.

I want to be able to see my sweet grandchild again.

"I just wish I could see Oiamh...but alas I cannot." I added as I leaned against the window.

"Ríonnag...darling you didn't need to accept the gift of were perfect the way you are." Sylva told me.

"Thanks Sylva. Now - we should check in on our girl because there is a chance the wolf king knows we haven't returned and could be questioning Oiamh" I responded.

Sylva and I both left our guest bedroom then went into the throne room as such. It doesn't have an actual throne but it is where official meetings are held.

Once we sat down I heard footsteps enter.

I recognise the scent as Zachary's scent.

"Lord Sylva, Lady Rio. A missive arrived for you this morning, it's from Crescent Castle..." Zachary told us

"I see....thank you Zachary." I replied after he handed me the letter then left.

"He knows I've kept you both here..." Oiamh said after I heard her enter with Naomi and Zero.

"You aren't keeping us here little Clover. We chose to stay as we know you need family right now. Wolf King be damned - I'm staying close to my granddaughter and future grandson." I stated bluntly in reply.

"Thanks Grandma" Oiamh told me.

Zachary's POV

Oiamh always tries to find strength for others but she needs to save some for herself. For her and Zero.

I may not be born of the forest, but this is my home and I want the Luna to be happy and not in pain all the time.

"Lord Zachary do you have a moment?" I heard a voice ask.

I looked and it was an elf with red hair but I recognise her.

"Lady Rosetta? My how you've grown since I last saw you" I replied after seeing her.

We conversed as I led her to my office in the guard tower.

"Likewise. Listen, I think your older sister might know a way to help our girl Oiamh" Rosetta said to me as we sat in my office.

She's one of the few people besides Oiamh's father who know I'm a wolf of undead descent.

"You're right...Shino might know something but talking to her will be difficult" I responded

"How so?" Rosetta inquired

"Because when I left the clan to come here at my father's bidding, he made sure I didn't have my grim key with me so if I were to visit again, I would need to cross the black river" I explained

"Oh...I had no idea it was your father who sent you here. I thought you came of your own accord. But Zach, you need to talk to your brother and sister because we need to find a way to slow down the movement of Trodaí's body long enough for us to get rid of the demon inside him!" Rosetta exclaimed.

"Very well. I'll leave day after tomorrow at dawn to go back to my birth place and speak to my siblings." I told Rosetta then she returned to the palace.

I just looked out my window to see the world.

My time is running out....I must help finish this work before I pass to the next life.

Two days later I departed for my home clan once more. I made sure to brief my guards on my errand and that should anyone need me, they need only break their amulet of trees and I will come running back.

I reached the banks of the ocean that leads to the black river.

"Master Zachary has returned. Do you wish to pass into Grim's territory?" a ghost selkie asked me

"I do. I seek to converse with the Grim Reaper herself. Take me to her" I replied then got into the boat the selkie was pulling.

In no time at all, I was home.

"Who dares trespass on our territory via selkie? Any member of this clan would use their grim keys to return" a voice cried out as I got out of the boat and wandered through the gate of my clan.

"I see the Grim Reaper has forgotten the scent of her own kin. It's been a while hasn't it....sister" I replied with a smile

sister" I replied with a smile

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(^ Shino's design :D)

"Zachary...I forgot dad made you return your grim key. If you're here to talk with Shay, you just missed him. He received an urgent summons from the wolf king and left for Crescent Castle at first light." Shino explained as we walked back to Grim Manor.

"If Shay received a summons, there's a high chance Lady Oiamh and Lord Rowen received the same one.." I thought out loud.

"Aye. Most likely. Anyway, what brings you home Zach? You never write except for when you need something out of Shay?" Shino asked when we arrived at the Manor House.

"Welcome home Mistress Shino and Lord Zachary" our butler stated with a proud bow.

"I came here to see you Shino. I was wondering if you can help me. You're the Grim Reaper after all" I told her.

Shino just stopped dead in her tracks when I called her that.

"Don't call me that brother. You've called me it twice in the last three hours you've been home. I'm your older sister so ditch the formalities around me" She explained.

Dusk rolled around faster than I thought it would but I still need to set out for the forest.

I left at first moonlight to go home when I heard rustling in the bushes. I wandered into a part of the clan that is forbidden to enter.....

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