Chapter 23 - Moving on

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(the events here are right after 21 - back on normal now with one more flashback chapter to come later on in the mid 30s)

Rowen's POV

Zero took Oiamh to his room a couple of hours ago. Now I need to get word to Esterra so we can cure Zero once and for all.

"I'm going to head out and find Esterra and talk to her personally. It'll let me check in on the forest clan itself..." I told Skyla as we sat in my office. Naomi was checking in on Dawn and her brother.

"Alright my love. I'll check in on the two pups as well. Just to make sure everything is fine. Be safe though, Dawn said the clan calmed down but we know not where Rose and Leyla are. They're monsters that need to be dealt with." Skyla replied then we walked out to the balcony overlooking the forest below

"I'll see you when I get back Skyla" I told her with a kiss on the lips before taking off to find Esterra

I flew to the main palace as I suspected Esterra would be there

"There you are Rowen! We've been waiting on you as well as Skyla, Trodaí and Naomi. Is everything alright?" Aleiya asked

I ignored her question then turned to Esterra

"I need your help Esterra. It's Zero." I said

"OK? But first - why didn't you show up for the guardian meeting?" Esterra replied.

I sighed in defeat

"Very'll find out eventually. Trodaí Wolf was murdered, from what Naomi has told Skyla and I, in his dying breath he declared his daughter the new leader and so the clover of the forest is now on Oiamh's cheek. Both Naomi and Oiamh are being looked after in my clan's territory by Skyla and I personally as the forest was thrown into chaos due to Rose and Leyla who were also the ones that murdered Trodaí. That's why we weren't here - in the whole chaotic situation I forgot about the meeting. Zero's heart was also found at last which is why I need your help Esterra. So it can be placed in his body and the curse lifted" I explained.

The royal court fell silent with everyone shocked and horrified at the news.

"Captain Trodaí dead?" Niamh asked in horror with tears welling up in her eyes. I simply nodded

Esterra, Yukio and Aleiya all sat down as they tried to process what I just told them

"As for Zero....we finally found his heart again. Dawn and Lycidas Shadow recovered it for us which is why I need your help Esterra. Skyla and I need stronger healing powers to do the procedure and restore his heart" I added

"Yes. Of course I'll help you - I can come right away. But maybe we should detour via the forest clan's territory to check in on them?" Esterra replied

"You two head to the sky clan, Yukio and I can check in on the forest." Aleiya told us.

I just smiled weakly then Esterra and I took to the sky and flew to my home.

I walked into the infirmary then saw Skyla looking out into the distance at the window in the main hallway

"Is aught amiss my love?" I asked

"What has our kind become Rowen? Our elders learned that Oiamh and Naomi are here...they're demanding we throw them out same to the shadow wolves who are here...what happened to our clan?" Skyla said to me

I held her close and hid my wings.

"Our kind is divided but we know a way forth. Oiamh and Zero are part of the future of our kind Skyla. Oiamh is also a twin-tails so she might be able to forge the once great werewolf alliance again that was around 13 years ago" I replied.

"Where is Zero currently?" Esterra asked when she arrived

"Zero is currently in his bedroom with Oiamh - they're both resting as she still hasn't recovered her full strength. Or recovered mentally from everything that happened back in her clan..." I explained

"I took a detour to the forest clan and everyone is confused as to what happened. T'would seem the monstrous duo wiped the clan's memories of the incident as they fled" Esterra told me

"I see...well we should go talk to Zero. The sooner we heal him, the better." I told the Phoenix.

We all walked upstairs then Skyla went to talk with Naomi whilst Esterra and I went to speak with Zero.

Once we entered Zero's room, I saw him sitting in his armchair whilst Oiamh was fast asleep in his bed.

"Father, and Esterra? What brings you by?" Zero asked

"I asked Esterra to come and help since we need extra strong healing magic to restore your heart to your body again." I explained

"When do you want to do the procedure then?" Zero replied

"First thing in the morning." I told Zero

"OK. If possible could you leave a nice looking scar for me please? So that way I have something to show for all of this?" Zero asked me

I chuckled at that request.

"Sure thing son. Now get some rest - you'll need to be up early tomorrow for this procedure. One that you will be in an enchanted slumber for to eliminate pain whilst your heart is restored to your body" I replied then tucked Zero and Oiamh in under the duvet before leaving them to rest.

"Is something on your mind Rowen?" Esterra asked me

" doubt she may worry about Zero whilst we're doing the procedure on him..." I replied

"Why not let her and Naomi return to their clan for the day to see how it's doing and also to let the clan see their new leader. It would do them all some good and she can get some fresh air whilst she's at it" Esterra told me

"I'll say to Naomi then" I replied.

Zero fell asleep then and I tucked both him and Oiamh in. I kissed their foreheads like a caring father would before leaving the room.

Times are changing and maybe it's time I bring my weapons back out of storage.

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