Chapter 19 - His Legacy (Pt. 2)

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(The events of this chapter occur directly after chapter 17 and before chapter 18 - it reveals what Leyla and Rose did after their mother vanished)

Rose's POV

Well, our father is dead and our mother returned to the underworld. Time for Leyla and I to put our plan into motion. Trodaí and Naomi will die tomorrow. Then the forest clan can kill Oiamh themselves.

"We need to ensure the blood is fresh so that way the poison in it will be potent enough to kill Trodaí and Naomi" Leyla said to me

"We have his blood in us, if we need it I can give some of my blood to add to the potency of the poison" I told her

"Alright - let's begin" Leyla stated then we got to work creating the poison.

Leyla is the alchemist between the two of us then I got to work meanwhile I'm the queen of crafting the physical weapons.

"I'll be in my worskshop so just shout to me if you need more blood" I told Leyla then went into my room.

I got to work on immediately making smoke bombs that can cause Oiamh and her parents to fall into a coma which will allow Leyla and I to kill them.

"Why are smoke bombs such a pain in the ass to make?..." I said to myself as I tried to create the shell for the bombs.

"Everything alright in here little sister?" I heard someone ask. 

I turned around then saw Leyla standing in the doorway

"Leyla? What brings you in here?" I asked her

"I've got the blood boiling on a low heat at the moment so it'll take a bit to finish. I thought i'd come help you with the weapons. What are you making right now?" Leyla replied

"I'm trying to make smoke bombs that will put Oiamh, Naomi and Trodaí into a coma which will alllow us to kill them - except these shells are quite tricky to make. They need to be compact and lightweight so I can carry them in a bag but also have hard shells that can break when they come in contact with the ground after being thrown" I explained

"What about making the smoke cause everyone to be mind controlled for a moment instead of putting them into a coma? They can put them into a coma for us if they were under our control no?" Leyla suggessted

I never thought about it that way 0_0

After what felt like days - 5 hours - I had the smoke bomb shells finished and the blood poison was ready as well.

Leyla finished off the poison itself then began to make the mixture to make our smoke bombs, well, smoke bombs.

~~~~~3 hours later~~~~~

Leyla's POV

Rose has been working so hard on the weapons - I'm honestly so glad to have her as a little sister.

"Leyla, all the shells are finished for the smoke bombs now and I have the poison darts crafted. Same with the tube we can use to fire them. All they need is the mixtures" Rose explained to me.

"Alright - just leave them next to me and I'll get them filled. What are you going to do now though?" I asked

"I'm going to make myself new swords - I'll need them since my current ones are going dull and no amount of sharpening will fix them" Rose replied then went back into her workshop.

I got started on adding the finishing touches to both the poison and the smoke bomb mixtures as we want the smoke to cause confusion in the forest clan and the poison to kill Trodaí.

Once I finished everything I went back in to check on Rose who fell asleep at her desk whilst doing the drawing of her new sword design. We both know how to craft weapons so I brought Rose up to her room and placed her to bed in order for a nice rest then went and made the swords for her.

~~~~~The next day - when the attack happens~~~~~

"You ready to take out the forest alpha?" Rose asked me whilst she placed her swords in their holster on her belt.

"Indeed - we have our weapons and poison. Let's go get that wolf" I replied then we took off. Speeding towards the forest wolf clan's territory.

We reached the border then threw the smoke bombs around the central plaza before jumping onto the wolf family manor.

I looked down then saw Oiamh with her two tails showing

"THERE SHE IS! Forest Wolves listen to us! This girl pretended to be a measly and normal wolf to not make you all feel inferior. She has also been coercing with the shadow wolf clan to overthrow her own clan. Oiamh and her parents are a threat to your very existence and they caused the island to be thrown into disarray" Rose yelled then I held the dart pipe to my mouth

I aimed at Oiamh first then shot the first dart. Yet she didn't get hit. I looked and Trodaí deflected it to him but Oiamh still collapsed.

I watched as another wolf held her then flew away. No matter - Trodaí was our main target. Oiamh will soon die by the hands of other people anyway.

"Behold these two who defended and protected the monster you were going to have as your next leader! WOULD YOU BE WILLING TO ACCEPT OIAMH AS YOUR NEXT LUNA?!" I shouted

Everyone went silent then Rose shot the next dart at Naomi. Again, Trodaí deflected it to himself. After that, Rose and I fled.

Or so we thought....

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