Chapter 15 - Rescuing the Sun and Moon (Final Part)

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Oiamh's POV

"Oiamh?" Zero asked weakly.

"Zero...why didn't you tell me your heart wasn't in your body?...." I asked

"I didn't want to worry you. Nor did I expect us to grow so close to each other" Zero replied once he had more strength to speak.

The other leaders and the healers left the room so that Zero and I could talk in private.

Zero then let me lie next to him on the bed so I rested my head on his arm and felt him stroking my ear

"Zero...I've always been scared to admit this to you but...if you're cursed and potentially going to die then I feel I need to tell you this. Despite what our clan elders tell us...I love you Zero. I always have but I was scared to admit my feelings. I guess this just made me realise I may lose you before I ever get the chance to tell you." I explained. Zero was a bit shocked but then he smiled at me.

"I love you as well Oiamh. I was scared to telly oh for the same reason but if my blood coughs get worse I may die. So I guess I should just admit to you my feelings whilst I still can" Zero told me.

Both of us blushed a little then we leaned in and he kissed me. I felt at ease so I returned the action.

A few hours pass and the healers say he can leave but to take it easy. Now that I know what's going on I will do all I can to save him once we rescue Crescida and Soli. Our mission starts at sunrise the day after tomorrow.

Dawn Shadow stayed with me but I made her wear a special necklace that allows me to stun her if she tries anything to harm us. I'm not taking chances with this woman.

Sunrise came on the day of the mission. Zero and I had been gifted new armour to wear and I had to hide my second tail - again.

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(Oiamh top

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(Oiamh top. Zero bottom)

"You ready my Luna?" Zero asked me

He's started calling me that out loud ever since we admitted to each other about our feelings and I'm honestly glad I told him.

"Let's do this. Dawn lead the way for us. The rest of you spread out and attack from all sides as the plan states. If things get out of hand then don't hesitate to retreat to safety for your people" I told everyone who nodded sternly.

Dawn led Zero, Tana and I to the heart of the shadow clan's territory. We asked Tana to accompany us due to her powers of being able to purify miasma with her flames

"Here it is. My father's manor where he loves as well as my brother and I. Inside the cellar is where you'll find Crescida and Soli" Dawn explained then we arrived to the cellar where the girls were.

"LYCIDA SHOW YOURSELF YOU BASTARD!!! I know you're hiding here brother!!!" Dawn shouted.

A wolf with hair as black as night that had blue tips then appeared out of the shadows. He ask so has an eyepatch on over his left eye

"Well, well, well. If it isn't the Lieutenant turned traitor. Father is understanding quite angry at you for what you did dearest sister. He's entrusted me with your punishment" So that's Lycidas Shadow. Dawn's brother.

Tana, Zero and I snuck past them both quietly and got the miasma cleared

"Who.....are you?...." The black and purple haired wolf asked.

"My name is Oiamh. Your father and mother asked me and my companions to help you and your sister return to the celestial realm KH lady" I replied

"I name is Crescida. This is my twin sister Soli" Crescida stated then Zero lifted Soli into his arms as Crescida had more strength than she did

"You're not going anywhere with those girls!" Lycidas shouted to me

Dawn just knocked him out by flinging him against the wall of the cellar where the girls were chained up originally.

After that, we all sprinted to the moon cliff where Sora and Sage were preparing the ritual to send Crescida and Soli back to the Celestial realm.

"Someone must send their spirit to accompany Crescida and Soli. But they're power must match which means this will be a tricky ritual" Sage stated

"I'll do it. My power is far greater than I let on and I promised Apollo and Artemis myself that I would rescue their daughters" I responded

"Very well. If that's your desire then far be it for us to stop you" Sage stated

" careful please" Zero said to me then kissed my forehead before I stepped into the ritual circle where Crescida and Soli already were.

Not even five minutes later my spirit left my body to go to the celestial realm once more

~~~~~In the celestial realm~~~~~

Soli got weaker after she came back up with Crescida and I accompanied them

"SCORPIO!!!" I shouted to the Zodiac guardian when I spotted him in the distance

"LADY CRESCIDA! LADY SOLI! VIRGO GO GET APOLLO AND ARTEMIS IMMEDIATELY" The maiden didn't question his order and she just ran to the castle.

Not even 5 minutes later did Apollo and Artemis arrive

"There was a lot of Miasma in the room so I think the sun was weakened greatly" I told Apollo

"I see. Scorpio could you bring the girls to the celestial pools please. It'll speed up their healing process" Apollo requested then they were whisked away

"Thank you Oiamh. You and yours kept your promise to rescue our daughters and in exchange so shall we keep our word" Artemis told me then gave me a special broach.

A crescent moon with a star.

"When the time comes you need our aid simply call out our names whilst holding that close to your heart and we shall answer" Artemis added

"Thank you Lady Artemis and Lord Apollo. I'll protect this with my very being until the day I die" I replied then they patted my head before I left.

~~~~~Back in the real world~~~~~

I felt my physical body again after my spirit returned. I opened my eyes then saw Zero holding me in his arms

"We did it Z...we got their support" I told him then showed him the broach.

Once I felt stronger the other leaders said goodbye to us then Zero and I returned to the forest wolf clan's territory.

"I should head home before forest wolves see me.." Zero said

"No. Let them see you. Let them see us together. I don't care what they say - I love you and I want you to be able to walk through my clan's territory with your head held high" I replied.

We walked to my house and to our surprise everyone was happy to see him with me. It showed that the clans still work together despite the fight or flight 12 years ago.

Now my new mission will be to save him. Dawn stayed behind in her clan's territory to buy us time to escape - I hope she survives

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