Chapter 41 - At the Nexus of Life

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Skyla's POV

After hearing reports of changes in Zero's condition, I quickly penned a message to be sent to Esterra. I gently pulled one of our messenger doves out of its cage, tied the small parchment to its leg, gave it a kiss, and let it fly. "Fly, my pet," I calmly said to it as it flew off in the direction of Esterra's abode.

"We best get going Skyla," Rowen said from behind. I turned to him with a smile. "I know you hoped to be here when Esterra arrived, but we need to get to this meeting soon. The guards know to let her in. Honesty, I wish I could put this off as well, but it is important." I nodded and pulled open a drawer to my vanity to grab a hair tie.

"I know dear. I'm about ready to go," I said as I tied my hair into a ponytail. "I do hope he wakes up soon. I am worried about his powers." I couldn't help but feel down knowing something is wrong with him.

Rowen crossed his arms. "Aye, you noticed the change in his aura as well. I don't have the evidence to prove my claims but, I don't think he has the Seraph's Kiss. But that is why this meeting is so important. I think we'll find out the truth behind what we're seeing with Zero," Rowen stated then we left.

Once we got to Cloud 9, the highest cloud accessible to mortals, the seraph Raphael appeared. "Lord Rowen and Lady Skyla, a pleasure as always," the seraph stated. "What will you have of me today?" Raphael asked, his hands together hanging down in front of him.

Both of us knelt in respect as Rowen began to speak. "Oh wise seraph, we only come seeking your wisdom on a matter we have. Our son Zero, he does not show any traits or signs that he possesses your blessing on our clan. Are you able to sense it from him?"

"I do not. However, am I to understand that he was cursed with a decay spell as a child?" Raphael asked us. Shocked, but not entirely surprised that the seraph would notice something like that, I raised my head to meet their gaze.

"Yes, you are correct. It was only a few short months ago that we were able to lift the curse and return Zero to his normal life," I responded.

"Then that is the way of it. The curse may have been lifted and the boy's life spared. However, despite the curse's departure, the lingering effects of it will permanently remain. I'm afraid the boy Zero will not have the blessing to heal for the rest of his life," Raphael explained. "I am deeply aggrieved to present you with this news. If there are no further inquiries, I must depart. May you and yours fair well." With that, the seraph flew back to the heavens.

I sighed heavily. "So how are we going to break this to Zero? He has always awaited the day when his healing powers manifest. Now they won't," I asked Rowen, who was also visibly contemplating.

He remained still and focused on his thought for what felt like minutes. Soon, I found him shaking his head and replied, "We're both at a loss. All I know is that we must tell him. And I think today is the day he hears the truth."

As much as I wished I could disagree with him, he is right. Better for him to know the truth and be hurt than to live life expecting something is going to happen and it never does. Since the meeting was concluded, we returned to Azure Mansion shortly after doing some errands. As we were about to head down the hall to Zero's room, Esterra came out.

After the meeting and another few errands were finished, we returned to the Azure Mansion only to see Esterra leaving. She waved and immediately reported Zero's condition. "Well, good news is that he's awake now. Weak, but awake. If you plan on giving him an earful, promise me you'll go easy on him, as he had one from me already."

"Of course, I will, especially since—" I started, but cut myself off for a moment. Esterra looked at me slightly bewildered. I didn't know how to break this news at all.

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