Chapter 13 - Rescuing the Sun and Moon (Pt. 3)

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Rowen's POV

It's been a week since we last spoke to Trodaí but thankfully the plan has been finalised at last. We just need to find Crescida and Soli within the Shadow Clan's territory then we can begin the rescue mission.

Zero's spent the last few days resting though as his cough attacks have gotten worse. Oiamh also went 5 days without sleep so she was getting some needed rest as well...both of them are going above and beyond for our clans. The rest probably wouldn't even respond to a wolf's cry for aid....but we're willing to try

"Lord Rowen, what are you doing if I may ask?" one of my loyal guards asked me

"Sending out a wolf's cry to the other clans. It's been 12 years since the fight or flight when everyone abandoned each other to their own clan. We'll need their aid to win the coming fight and it's high time wolves move past what happened and pave a new path forward." I replied

"HOW DARE YOU!" A voice echoed from behind us

"You dare betray our clan? By calling out to the others who are nothing to us?" one of the elders stated

"Last I recall, I am the surpreme Alpha of the sky wolf clan. I look out for MY people. My son will be the next supreme alpha - so leave the safety of this clan to me. To the wolf in charge" I responded then sent out the cry.

"Rowen, I hope you're able to get responses from any of the other clans...I've done what I can to ease Zero's pain but he's running out of time...the way his body is deteriorating he has about 3 maybe 4 years at a push before he dies..." Skyla told me when she walked over

"I see. Once this mission is finished we'll need to find a way to break the curse....we can't lose our son Skyla..." I told her

"Especially since Zero is our only child..." Skyla said with tears welling up in her eyes. I pulled her close to my chest then wrapped my arms and wings around her

"We will save our thunder my dear. On that you have my word as your husband and alpha as well as father to Zero" I responded then she smiled back.

Once the cry was established in the sky above every clan I returned to my home with Skyla. That way I could check in on Zero.

I walked into his room then saw him sitting up slightly in his bed.

"How are you holding up son?" I asked when I sat on the bed

"I've felt fares the plan?" Zero said

"It's started to be put in motion. I sent out the wolf cry and now we're waiting on our spies to locate Crescida and Soli. Just use this time whilst we wait to keep resting that way you can conserve your energy. Trodaí and Naomi sent word that Oiamh is feeling better as well so once we find the deities, you and her can lead the assault on the shadow clan and rescue the sun and the moon. After that we can find your heart and break your curse" I explained to him.

Zero was, understandably, shocked at how fast things progressed.

"Understood father..." Zero replied then we heard a commotion outside

"What in the world?" Zero muttered then he came outside to the balcony with me.

We looked down and saw Skyla being held captive by the elders

"THIS IS WHAT HAPPENS TO THOSE WHO BETRAY THE SKY WOLF CLAN!!" One of the elders shouted then I heard a sword get drawn but as I heard that, a flash of green light engulfed the area

The light died down but Skyla was gone...I turned around then saw her behind me and Zero. Unharmed

Skyla's POV

I opened my eyes as I closed them when the light engulfed the area then saw brown and red fur

"Oiamh?...." I mumbled then the hooded figure took down their hood.

"I wasn't about to let them kill you Lady Skyla" Oiamh whispered then Zero gave her a massive hug

"You saved my mother's life Oiamh" Zero told her with tears in his eyes and a smile on his face. Rowen helped me up again.

The elders left then the four of us went inside to the living room and sat down. Oiamh being held by Zero of course.

"I came to let you know in person rather than send a messenger to say that the sun and moon have been located. Crescida sent out a Lunar Beacon so it made things easy for me to track her magic then found her and Soli in the centre of shadow territory. More specifically where the supreme alpha lives...I should've known Noir would keep his most prized prisoners close to keep an eye on them..." Oiamh explained

"Wait a second sweetie.." I started

"Hm?" Oiamh replied

"How did you get up here without being spotted by anyone?" I asked

A small neko appeared next to Oiamh's left ear then I realised the cloak she had on must've been enchanted by it

"This is Alex - a neko familiar specialising in invisibility magics. One of my friends: Shade - an elf hunter said she could make me invisible if I wore that cloak so I could come here." Oiamh explained then the neko jumped and transformed into a human girl with cat ears and a tail

"It's a pleasure to meet you" she said.

"OK so we have our plan and we know where they we have backup from the other clans?" Oiamh asked

"Depending on who answers our wolf cry we may have back-up" Rowen told her

"Lady Oiamh we must be going - my enchantment will wear off soon and we must get you back to the forest before you're spotted up here" Alex stated in a stoic voice. Her eyes werre devoid of emotions as well.

"Very well..." but before Oiamh could stand up, Zero pulled her close then kissed her forehead

"Stay safe....please....I don't want to lose you" Zero told her

Rowen and I were a little startled but happy for them both. It's blatantly obvious they have feelings for each other but due to the situation they can't show it yet.

"I will Z...I promise" Oiamh replied then left to return to the forest below

"Honestly Zero.." I mumbled with a smirk

"What? I want her to stay safe" Zero said to me

"It's so obvious to your mother and I that you have feelings for Oiamh. I know with the situation of the wolf tribes the way they are it's awkward for you both to have to hang out in secret from our elders, but maybe tell her your feelings for her. She may feel the same way" Rowen explained then Zero blushed a bright red

Soon we can rescue the sun and moon then get them back up to the Celestial realm where they can heal and where they belong. After that Rowen and I can focus on saving our son's life

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