Chapter 45 - Ascension

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Oiamh's POV

How the time has flown. It seems like yesterday that we fought the battle against Rose and Leyla. Much has happened in the past two years. My 18th birthday is the day after tomorrow, which means tomorrow is my long-awaited official coronation as the Luna of the forest clan.

By request of his majesty, I am not staying at home in Clover Manor this evening. I am instead staying in an extravagant room at Crescent Castle. You would think I would be enjoying myself, but with tomorrow's coronation nearly a half a day away, I can't help but feel... antsy. Sitting on the nice soft bed, I took a deep breath and continued brushing out the fur on my tails. I... I'm totally not stressing out!

It wasn't a moment later that I nearly shrieked when I heard a knock at the door. "Come in!" I called out and to my surprise, the Alpha of the war clan entered. Out of panic, I stood up hastily. "Lord Bolt! A thousand apologies, had I realized it was you, I would have—"

He held up his hand casually. "At ease, Oiamh," he assured me. "I just wanted to check in on you since tomorrow is the big day."

"Oh," I softly said as I slowly sat back down on the bed and started brushing out the fur on my tails once again. Bolt pulled up a chair and sat next to me.

"You're quite nervous," he noted.

"Is it that obvious?" I returned sheepishly. I guess there's no denying it at this point.

He let out a short laugh. "You look exactly like my older sister before her coronation as crown princess of the werewolves. She brushed her tail the same way when the nerves got the better of her." I stopped brushing, stared at my brush for a moment, and looked up at Bolt sheepishly. I did not know what to say and I swear I could feel my cheeks flush. I turned my head, not wanting to let the embarrassment show. "Alright, I get it. I'll stop teasing you," Bolt said playfully, and he stood up from his chair.

I looked toward his direction quickly. He was already at the door. "Sorry, you don't have to leave so soon," I stated.

"It's alright. I should be getting back to the throne room anyway. Expect my father to come visit you before the rituals begin tonight," he said with a smile.

"Okay," I returned.

"Just remember, you may be Trodaí's daughter, but you are still you. Be the Luna you desire to be, not what everyone expects you to be. Individuality is what separates good leaders from great leaders. That and having the right support. Take heart and remember, your father chose you to be his successor. You are more than deserving of it." He opened the door but stopped for a moment to look back at me. "Oh, and one more thing," he said.

"Yes," I responded.

"Try to hold back on the brushing. You're going to be furless if you keep that up," he said with a grin and left the room. I had not noticed, but I had instinctually started brushing my tails once more. After putting the brush down on the nearby table, I sighed and attempted to regather my thoughts. That was a lot to take in. He does have a point though. I can't be my father. As of tomorrow, I will officially be the new Luna of the forest clan... the Ephemeral Clover as well. I must start leading in my own way. And I will do so with Zero by my side.

I looked out toward the room's balcony, staring at the night sky for a moment. As much as I'd like to take a nice evening walk outside, I'm not allowed to leave my room without supervision. There are certain rituals and traditions that must be upheld and remaining pure is one of those. Not that I have any reason to make myself otherwise, but unless I have a female escort, I cannot leave this room. At least the view of the sky and garden from here is enough to keep me sane. Well, I suppose I'll just reread this guidebook on the rituals performed until it's time.

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