Chapter 25 - Shay and Trodaí

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Shay's POV

"My Lord. A missive has been sent by the forest clan. It's addressed to you" One of my guards told me as I sat in my study meditating.

"Very well then. Open it and read its contents for me." I responded.

"Yes of course." My guard replied then I heard the envelope open.

Clever Trodaí. Having Zachery write to me. But what do you want my friend.

"It's from Lady Oiamh and reads as follows:

Greetings Lord Shay of the Undead, you may not remember me but my name is Oiamh. The new supreme Luna of the forest - by this extension you can surmise that my father has died. I'm writing to ask if you can come and meet me at the moon cliff in three days time. It's where the alliance meetings used to happen and so it would be a fitting place for leaders to meet. I have questions that only the alpha of the undead can answer.

Regards, Oiamh. That Was all she wrote my Lord." My guard stated.

Trodaí dead?!

"I see. Send a reply stating I will indeed meet her at noon at the appointed place. And also send the candle to her clan. They'll need to light it at Trodaí's funeral so we can guide his soul to the afterlife" I commanded.

"Right away my Lord!" Then the guard left.

I stood up then went outside to think on everything.

(What Shay looks like)

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(What Shay looks like)

"I cannot sense the spirit or soul of the one they call Trodaí. Master what shall we do?" One of the spectres who tend to pester me - a lot - asked.

"We shall wait and see what Oiamh asks of us. She wished to speak to me directly so something is wrong. Now go back to the world between worlds and leave me be" I replied then he vanished.

There are times I hate that spectre. However I need them in order to maintain the barrier between the mortal and immortal worlds.

The next three days passed by and my clan have gathered about five souls now and brought them to the right afterlife. I have to periodically enter the realm between here and there to ensure there's no lost souls still stuck.

Just a lovely duty as the alpha of the clan. It's why I have spectre companions - they're my eyes in that world and I'm their eyes in the mortal world.

I ventured beyond the border of my clan after I made sure my little sister had things in hand. Since I identify as gender neutral I decided to not get a love partner to rule by my side and instead opted for familiar support from my sister - who offered to help. I never asked her specifically - whenever I need to leave for business.

I arrived at the moon cliff where I saw Oiamh sitting on the cliff top overlooking the ocean.

"Hello Oiamh" I said to her.

"Lord Shay. I'm glad you agreed to meet with me." Oiamh replied.

"Well your family are friends and I'd do anything for a fellow leader. Which is why I'll say to ditch the lord part. We're equals now - not sure why this early though" I responded when I sat next to her

"My father was murdered by Rose and Leyla. Demons of the Underworld and the reason the wolf alliance fell apart 12 years ago. I also received the candle with your missive however we don't have a body to bury yet for my father. No one has been able to find it. Which brings me to why I wanted to speak with you" Oiamh started.

I'm already dreading where this is going as I have heard of Rose and Leyla sadly.

"As Alpha of the Undead is there a way you can track a body in the mortal world of a deceased soul?" Oiamh asked

I was about to reply when my spectre companions appeared. I could tell by Oiamh's expression she could see them

"Not now you five. Go back to the realm between realms" I told them but they remained.

I will have words with Orion later about this...

"I'm not sure actually. There might be a way but this has never happened before" I replied to Oiamh

"Nay - you only have the ability to guide souls in limbo unto the afterlife. If a soul isn't there with the corresponding beacon in the mortal realm by their body then you cannot find them" One of the spectres told me.

"Damn it all....Well you heard that Oiamh. However I will do all I can to aid you in the mission to find your father's body so we can give him an Alpha's send off. He was a trusted friend and brother in arms to me. It's why I see you as a niece to me as well, so Rose and Leyla will be hunted down for their crimes" I explained to the young Luna.

"Thank you Shay. Although if you don't mind my asking, how is it my guard Zachery is the only one in my clan who knew how to get a message to you? I thought nobody outside your clan knew the communication channels?" Oiamh asked me

" a secret between my clan and him. We keep our comm route secret for our own security and change up what we tell each other for the same reason. Now come on, I'll walk you back to your clan so that way I can figure out the situation there as well" I replied then we began to walk back to the forest clan's territory.

"Lady Naomi - a pleasure as always. Would that I came under happier circumstances" I told Naomi when I arrived

"It is what it is Shay. I hope we find Trodaí soon so he can be given the send off he deserves and you can bring him to the afterlife" Naomi replied. I can tell she's struggling a lot right now. Oiamh even more honestly.

"Zachery. Come here." I asked

"Yes?" Zach said

"I want you to watch out for Oiamh and Naomi please. They're like a second family to me and I want to be able to help more than before right now. If ANY developments on Trodaí arise send me word immediately." I commanded

"As you wish my Lord." Zach responded then j gave Oiamh a caring hug before returning to my clan.

I will do whatever it takes to help my friends.

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