Chapter 22 - Pick a side little brother

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(Just a heads up the events here happen right after Dawn leaves to get Zero's heart from where it's been buried)

Dawn's POV

I left the forest clan's territory about ten minutes ago in a bid to help save the prince of the sky: Zero.

I ran as fast as my human legs could carry me, but then I decided to morph into my wolf form to be quicker then I arrived.

I stood at the edge of the tainted forest.

I took one step into it and as usual, felt no pain. The forest's soil corrodes and burns all that makes contact with it but because my powers revolve around nature and decay, I'm not affected by it.

I need to find the grave again.

"Dawn?" I heard a voice call out to me. I turned around and saw Lycidas.

"You abandon our clan and now you come back here....why. Why are you here again sister?" Lycidas asked me

"Lyci...if you must know it's to save the prince of the Sky: Zero Sparks. And I didn't abandon the clan! I ABANDONED OUR ABUSIVE PARENTS! Growing up here was hell, with Lady Oiamh Wolf and her allies I actually have a life that matters. They make me feel welcomed - something I never felt here in the shadow clan" I replied but then he cuffed my hands behind my back

"Lycidas what are you doing?!" I demanded

"Taking you to see father." Lycidas told me then he led me back to the shadow manor where our father was

"Say your thoughts to him. Let him know how you feel" Lyci whispered into my ear when we walked into the room where my father was sitting.

I looked up but was horrified when I saw who was sitting on the arm of his chair.

Scarlet Shadow. My bitch of a mother. I was terrified

"Well well well. The omega wolf of the clan has returned. What punishment should I give you little puppy. You ran away and betrayed our clan - so for that there must be some form of punishment" Scarlet said to me.


Lycidas looked at me in fear then backed off

"What did you call me girl?" Scarlet asked sternly

"A bitch - because that's what you are. Not once when you lived here did you ever actually care for Lycidas or myself. I'm done following the orders of ANYONE in this clan. I'm a temporary member of the forest clan now with Lady Oiamh Wolf as my master until I've earned their trust fully. You're not in charge of me anymore!" I replied then broke the shackles binding my wrists. 

I stood up then filled the room with decaying ivy to bind my parents but not Lycidas


"Dawn - this is very out of character for you. Release your mother and I this instant!" Noir shouted

"You're so blind daddy. SHE INSTALLED FEAR OF PUNISHMENT INTO LYCIDAS AND I! YOU WERE AT LEAST A GOOD PARENT AS TO NOT PUNISH US FOR ANYTHING WITH PHYSICAL PAIN UNLIKE THIS BITCH WHO FOREVER HURT LYCIDAS AND I! I'll release you sure, but then I'm going to get Lord Zero Sparks' heart from it's grave in the forbidden forest. You can't and won't stop me else I'll bind you again but with decaying thorn vines instead." I explained then let them go but Scarlet came at me with a sword then rammed it into my shoulders before hitting me at the base of my skull. Knocking me out

Lycidas' POV did the right thing telling them that. And so I will return the favour to you.

I watched as our mother wounded and knocked out Dawn.

"Lycidas I want you to inflict a curse upon your sister as part of her punishment." Scarlet said to me

"Very well but I'll bring her to my room where my equipment is as I need to be alone to inflict curses" I replied

"yes yes, do what you must" she replied then I lifted my unconscious sister and brought her to her own bedroom to tend to her wounds.

After about an hour she began to come round again.

"Lyci?....." Dawn mumbled to me

"I'm going to help you get the heart. You were right - I can't keep playing both sides and I want to help the side that gives me a better shot at life. Let me come with you to the forest clan" I explained with tears in my eyes

"It's ironic if you ask me. The shadow clan's two prized wolves see the truth to the alpha and luna's rule." Dawn replied then sat up whilst clutching her shoulder.

"If we're going to leave we need to do it now whilst my magic has a barrier in the lounge where Scarlet and Father are" I told Dawn who nodded then stood up.

We grabbed our weapons and armour then ran out the back door to the forest

"Also - would you be able to give me temporary protection against the taint of the forest? Cause you remember what happened last time I set foot there" I asked

Dawn just threw a pendant at me which was a withered flower

"Keep that on your person and you'll have a temporary nature taint like I do which protects me in the forest" Dawn explained.

Eventually we reached the heart's grave, managed to dig it up and then sprinted to where the forest clan is located.

When we arrived it was in utter chaos.

"What happened?!" Dawn shouted

"Miss Dawn - Lord Zero took Lady Oiamh up to the sky clan if you're looking for them...our home came under fire and some wolves attacked Oiamh due to mind control. We managed to undo the spell but we're not sure of our crescent's condition. Or the Alpha and Luna" someone explained

"Thanks - Lyci c'mon. We need to get to Zero's clan" Dawn told me so we ran to the portal and made it up.

(The rest is what happened at the end of chapter 21 where Dawn gives the heart to Skyla - next chapter picks up from after 21's events ended. This chapter was just to reveal what happened with Dawn and Lycidas)

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