Steph's P.O.V
The heart moniter eachoed around the room as I laid in the hospital bed. I can now quite clearly say my life Is well and truley fucked.
"Hey beautiful." Beau said softly walking over. I used both of my hands to cup my face.
"I'm such an idiot, Beau..." I started.
"Listen Steph- I don't really have anything to say to you about that, but Jai cried when we got the news about you coming to hospital- he said he's coming to sit with you all day today." Beau said.
"I am not third wheeling, Beau." I said bluntly.
"He's coming alone." Beau said- which was weird cause that's when Jai walked in.
"How are you feeling, babe?" Jai said, walking over and holding my hand. So many memories flooded back- this is so hard. Beau stood up and left, giving us our privacy. I didn't say anything, "Why did you have to go?" He whispered.
"Jai- hair and make-up isn't my future- you are... Or was- I can't get between you and Grace." I said, looking up at the ceiling, holding in tears.
"You were my first love- you'll always have a piece of my heart, that I can't give to anyone else- I still love you, Steph." Jai said, causing me to cry. He rested the palm of his hand on my cheek, lifting my chin up- he 'shh'ed me lightly - "don't cry, baby."- he said, causing me to take a deep breath and look at him.
"Shock horror I'm down, lost you're not around, there's a lump in my chest that-" I started quoting the song Jai and I used to play all the time, Miss you by Ed Sheeran- I couldn't finish because Jai smashed his lips onto mine. I laced my hand round Jai's neck, kissing him harder whilst more tears escaped. This is all I need in my life- I need Jai. He has a girlfriend though? Oh my god! Why is he kissing me? I didn't pull away, I mean, I wasn't complaining- it feels so right. After a while, the kiss ended and he climbed into bed with me. We cuddled the way we used to, breathing in sync and just having meaningless conversations.
"Even though I've been away 4 years- talking to you, it feels like I never left." I said into Jai's chest.
"That says something." Jai said looking down at me. I looked up at his and smiled, he lightly pressed his lips onto mine.
"How do you feel?" He asks me.
"I feel fine, I'm only in here to make sure there's nothing wrong with me, which there isn't." I reassured him.
"Well, do you think if I locked the door...." He said, wiggling his eyebrows.
"You can give it ago." I smirked, shuffling in my bed. Jai stood up, jogged over to the door and locked it. He turned and walked back. I coughed slightly.
"Oh! Of course!" He said, walking back and turning off the light- just how I like it.The next 30 minutes were magical- just like how they used to be. This was the best though, because it was so good to feel our sweaty skin collide once more.
"I love you, Steph." Jai said, brushing the hair out of my face.
"I love you too, Jai." I replied into a whisper.
"I missed you way too much." He sighed, kissing my forehead and hugging me tighter.
"I missed you-" I started, but was interrupted by a knock at the door. Jai jumped out of the bed and quickly scrmabled around trying to find his clothes, I just put my hospital gown on and that was it. Jai shoved his muscular legs into his jeans and opened the door.
"Where is she?!" I heard a deep voice say out of breath. I knitted my eyebrows, trying to sit up and see who it was. Daniel burst through the door, scanning his eyes around the room until they landed on me, "Steph!" Daniel shouted, jogging over and pulling me into a tight hug, I crawled up onto my knees so I could hug him back tightly too, "Ive missed you!" his smile lit the room up.
"I've missed you too, Daniel- I've missed you all so much." I said, Daniel pulling out of the hug and goping to sit into the chair in the room.
"Then why didnt you come home?" Daniel said- It still feels so weird calling Melbourne my home, but i dont think its melbourne thats home- home is wherever the boys are.
"Hair and Make-up was a guilty pleasure- but I qualified to Pressional level, so, its gotta be worth something some day." I smiled, Daniel smiling back.
"When are you out of hospital?" He asked, smiling towards me- this boy just loves life.
"I dont know, hopefully soon- I've already spent the night in here so I should be able to get out today, because I feel fine." I answered him. Jai's phone started ringing, so he answered it.
"Hello? Ive told you wh-... No listen to me-.... Yes I am-... No theres-.... Hello?" Jai said into the phone, and then hanging up. Daniel and I stared at Jai, wondering whether he was going to give us any details about his random phone call, "Sorry about that," he started, "It was Grace." I felt my heart sick, and I just didnt care anymore.
"And?" Daniel asked him.
"I'm single as fuck," Jai laughed, "I text her... something... and she phoned to say its over."
"What did you text her?" Daniel laughed.
"Well she text me saying 'Love you Jai' so I replied saying 'Love you too, Steph'... On purpose obviously... because, Steph's back!" Jai said, looking and smiling at me. I felt so bad, because I didnt actually tell them that I need to go back to England in 2 days for the Jnaofest make-up, which isnt technically away form them because I'll come back with them, but Janofest is in 5 days, so I'll be 2 days without them. I smiled slightly at Jai and looked out the window.
"Oh fuck. I know that look." Jai smirked.
"Well, I have to go back to England," I said, Jais face falling blank, "Listen though!- It's for Janofest- I'm your make-up artist, so I need to go and have 2 days training for it and then I will come straight home, with you guys." I said to him, he smiled, told me that was great and walked over giving me kiss. Daniel gagged, making us laugh.
** 2 weeks later**
Janofest was absolutely amazing- It was so much fun. I did all the boys make up, Andrea Russett's make-up, Nash Grier's make-up and Faydee's make-up. It was a really fun night. The main thing I liked was being back stage, watching my boys from the wings, watching how happy Jai looked. If I could trap that moment in a frame, I would.
*Jai's P.O.V*
I was sat on the sofa in Steph's house with Beau, Luke, Daniel and James- Steph was upstairs in the shower- and we were watching football whilst eating popcorn and Nachoes. I heard the showerr door unlock from upstairs and heard Steph call me. I stood up, keeping my eyes glued onto the screen, "C'MON.... C'MON!" I shouted as they approached the goal, ready to score- when they completely missed, "WHAT THE FUCK, CUNT?!" I shouted at the telly, the rest of the boys raging too.
"Jai?!" I heard Steph call again. I turned around and ran up the stairs, missing out every other step. I walked round the corner to see Steph's head peeping out from round the bathroom door. Seeing her face again just makes me so happy- I'm so glad shes home!
"What's up?" I questioned, she opened the door more, signalling me to come in. I walked into the bathroom to see Steph didnt actually take a shower because nothing was wet- I looked at Steph and saw tear stains on her cheeks- I knitted my eyebrows slightly.
"Jai..." she started. My heart had sunk before she had even said anything- last time she had called me upstairs was to tell me about her moving to London.
"You cant leave me again, Steph- you just cant I dont know what I'd do with you again... I just-" I went on, and she just wasn't able to shut me up. I couldnt help it, Life without Stephanie Fox, is like a pencil without led or Jai Brooks without Luke Brooks- it just doesnt work. Steph had started crying again,. but they didnt look like sad tears... She smiled whilst tears were coming out, she soon covered how mouth with one hand. To shut me up, she threw something at me, which I caught and I looked down at it. My sight become blurry as I looked at this object- a huge lump formed in my throat as my heart sprung back up again. No way is this happening.
"We're having a baby?" I said, looking up to my beautiful girlfriend. That's right, she had shown me a positive pregnancy test. She nodded more tears falling down her cheeks. I was lost for words, and breath, "O-Oh my god... Steph." I drogged the pregnancy test and swiftly picked Steph up in my arms and swinging her around in the space I was able to. "Steph,"I said whilst putting her down, "We're having a baby!" I've never been this excited before in my life.
"We sure are babe." She whispered through her tears. I pulled her into a hug, crying into the crook of her neck- this is going to be perfect.

Happily never after {FINISHED}
FanfictionThis is a story of a girl named Stephanie! She moves to Melbourne, looking for a new life. Will Jai brooks, the boy next door, start the new life... Or make it as bad as the old life? Steph and Jai have to fight for their love after ex girlfriends/b...