Steph's P.O.V:
"I can't handle it... It feels like you're always apologising now..." I exhaled as Beau sat opposite me in the kitchen- Jai sat to my right, making sure 'no one hurt me.'
"I know... I need to talk to you though Steph." He mumbled looking at the table.
"We are talking?" I stated, rather confused.
"Alone." He grumbled.
"Nah mate- fuck that! I'm not-" Jai started, getting uncomfortable in his seat and shaking his head. I gave him a look- the look to say, I appreciate what you're doing and I understand why you're doing it, but I need space this once. Without finishing his sentence, Jai stood up and headed off upstairs. This is when Beau cried. I leant forward and placed one hand on his, using my thumb to caress his little finger. He sniffed and took a deep breath.
"Ready?" I asked him, he nodded quickly and wiped his tears away.
"H-Hollie... She's pregnant..." He cried, also trying to get his breath.
"What?!" I shouted, standing up. I rubbed my forehead with my hand. Nope. This bitch is getting it.
"Steph, quieten down... Please?" Beau cried.
"Where. Does. She. Live?" I said through gritted teeth. Beau had told me where she lived and I got into my car, flicking the ignition on and reversing out my own drive way. I sped off down the road and in my wing mirror I could see Jai running after me. This is something I have to do alone."253 Pear Tree Avenue." I said, as I reached a house. I swung my door open, slamming it shut behind me. I stormed up her drive way and banged my fist on the door, loads of times in a row. I didn't stop knocking until she opened the door.
"Aye, look who the cat dragged in." She smirked, leaning against the door frame. I drew my fist back and flung it straight into her face- "Theres no one to show off in front of anymore- stop hitting me." She said, placing her fingers over her nose.
"Leave Beau alone." I said.
"I can't now- he's the father of my child." She smirked, rubbing one hand over her belly. I shook my head.
"You're vile! You might want a fucked up life- but Beau doesn't deserve any of this. He loved you. You were his everything. But you changed. You're fucked up." I preached, she just listened and soon cried- "you're not going to support this child. And Beaus a decent person so won't let you do it alone. But that's it- you've ruined his life, well done. Oh and the twins- you go near them, you'll have me to deal with." I turned and started to walk away.
"W-Wait." She stuttered, I stopped walking and slowly turned around on the spot, "don't leave. I mean, come in for a while... Please?"
"No way! God knows what sort of drugs or weapons you have in that house." I snarled at her.
"Steph- please." She begged, but her tears got to me and I felt my face slowly fall. For fuck sake. I nodded, slowly at first and it got quicker- "alright, yeah- but not for long." I walked up her drive again and barged past her. I looked around- it was bare. White walls, white furniture and photos hanging on the walls.
"It's nothing much- I've recently moved in- Mum kicked me out." She shrugged, sitting down on her sofa.
"No kidding." I replied, looking at the photos, "who's that?" I asked, pointing at a photo of her and this boy.
"Oh urm.. He's.. Urm... My ex." She said, avoiding the photo. She told me his name and said they broke up because she was still in love with Beau. I looked him up on Facebook and saw a status "pregnant, really?!" I switched my phone off as soon as I saw the status and looked up at her. She cried and told me everything, even though I didn't take any of it- all I could see was bullshit. I felt out of place here and I felt embarrassed.
"Listen, it's hard on both sides, yours and Beaus- but the way you treated me, automatically gave you an ugly first impression- so I have no sympathy. Beau's my best friend- and I can't watch him suffer- Just think about it, from my point of view." I stood up and left. I got in my car and drove to the local cafe.
"Hey, I'll have a natural tea please." I smiled at the pretty waitress and she punched my order into the cashier. I paid the expected $2.49 and waited for her to make my drink. I looked around, scanning for available seats- I saw a 2 seater sofa table in the far corner- I'll have to go over there. She handed my drink over and I walked to the small table, placing both my drink and purse on the table. I reflected- on everything. On how your first reactions occur based on relationships. I had thought about my Mum, my Dad, my unknown little brother, my old 'friends', James, Skip, Luke, Hollie, Beau and.... I'm now on the Jai topic. I felt a smile spread across my lips as Jai's photo popped up on my screen and my ringtone alarmed.
"Hello." I answered the phone.
"Steph, you haven't done anything stupid have you?!" He asked quickly.
"No, Jai. I'm fine and Hollies fine. I'm just sat in TJ's."
"Okay, well come home quickly- I need cuddles..." He said in his baby voice- I couldn't help but laugh slightly.
"Your wish is my command, babe." I replied, hearing a higher pitched enthusiastic 'yay' from the other end of the phone. With that, I hung up- gathered my things and left."Really Beau?! No Condoms your greatest excuse?! You wait. Just wait until I see her! The slag shouldn't have opened her legs in the ducking first place!" I walked in on Gina shouting at Beau, with the rest of the Janoskians sat on the sofas. Jai jumped up when I walked in, grabbed my hand and guided me upstairs.
"Jai!!! Condom!!" I heard Gina shout, but then laugh, "who am I kidding? Steph's sensible. Never mind" she sighed.
Jai threw himself back into his duvet, wrapping himself into them. He opened up the blankets with his arms, signalling for me join. I kicked my shoes off and slipped into the bed and into Jai's arms. We both sighed and he smiled.
"Bet you never thought life with the Janoskians would be so dramatic." Jai sniggered.
"Don't be ridiculous- we're just learning new experiences, I guess." I replied seriously, but somehow a smile still sneaked onto my face.
"Steph- have you ever been on a real date?" Jai asked me- and I thought about it- I felt the atmosphere become tense because... No... No I haven't been on a real date. Oh my god. I lost my virginity before going on a date.
"No.." I finally replied.
"Well I hope you're hungry- I'll take you out tonight- first date." He said, squeezing me tighter. I love this boy.

Happily never after {FINISHED}
FanfictionThis is a story of a girl named Stephanie! She moves to Melbourne, looking for a new life. Will Jai brooks, the boy next door, start the new life... Or make it as bad as the old life? Steph and Jai have to fight for their love after ex girlfriends/b...