Day 1:
I woke up, again, squinting my eyes, warding the light out. I must have cried myself to sleep last night! I then remembered where I was, and why I was there.
"Jai, I'm gunna be right back, okay! I need some food." I rubbed my hand across the warmth of Jais lifeless arm. Picking myself off the chair, I walked toward the door, before glancing over at Jai one more time. I opened the door, just enough for my body to squeeze through, catching the door before it slammed shut. I closed it lightly. I took afew steps before I heard someone call out my name.
"Mrs Brooks?" I swerved around, staring at a younger nurse, wearing loads of make up and had her hair tied up into a messy pony tail.
"Y-Yes?" I stuttered, worrying she was gunna tell me off for staying here the night.
"Canteens this way." she said, smiling. Showing her perfect teeth as she pointed down the hall. I smiled lightly, walking towards her as she guided me towards the canteen. When I walked in, I saw that it was empty, the cold air hitting my skin. The smell of sweet syrup and cinnamon filled the air, making my tummy rumble. I glanced over at the clock on the wall... '6:28 am'... that explains why it's empty.
"Hello, miss" the rather gay man said to me from behind the till.
"Hey.. can I please have a hot chocolate and blueberry muffin please?" I asked, handing over some loose change from my pocket.
"Certainly!" he smiled, flicked his hair and turned to make me a hot chocolate. He was a nice lad, fairly toned and had a nice face, but to he honest, I couldn't care rigut now. I'm so tired, After my muffin, I'm going back to sleep.
"Its been a long night shift, no one comes at night so I'm stood here by myself all night!" He said, rolling his eyes as he made the drink.
"oh dear, I would help out, but I'm really not in the mood." I said, resting my elbows on the counter, rubbing my face with my hands.
"aww, has it been a long night?" he asked, putting my muffin into a little microwave.
"I haven't even been asleep that long.." I sighed, thinking of Jai.
"Well I suggest you go back to your room and sleep some more." he smiled, placing my hot chocolate infront of me. I nodded, smiling lightly back. He took my muffin out of the microwave and put it on a little saucer.
"$4:36, please!" he asked, placing his hands on the cashier machine. I handed over $4:40, receiving 4 cents back.
"Thank you," I smiled, "maybe I'll see you again?"
"That would be lovely!" He smiled, flicking his hair quickly, to be honest.. his hair wasn't even that long, so I don't know why he keeps flicking it.
"Bye," I said, picking up my hot chocolate and muffin. He said bye back just as I walked around the corner. I sipped on my hot chocolate. The warm liquid heating up my insides. I took a bite of my warm muffin, the taste of the sour blueberries tingling my taste buds. When I returned to the room, nothing had changed. My pillow was still on my chair with the blanket. The blinds were drawn. and Jai, was still led there peacefully.
I put my hot chocolate and muffin on the little beige table next to the chair. I quietly walked over to Jai, rubbing my hand up and down his forearm. Our touch, it just felt so right, even though he couldn't touch back.. but I could remember when he did. The way our fingers would lock together, and not break apart for ages. The way he used to hug me from behind- his hands sliding round my waist, resting on my lower tummy- putting his chin lightly on my shoulder. I would place my arms over his, whilst we looked into a mirror. "I love you" he would say, followed by a kiss on my neck.
I rested my hand on his neck, caressing his cheek with my thumb. I bent down and kissed his forehead lightly, then whispered, 'Come on, Jai. Wake up.. please?'
Jai's P.O.V
Beau's P.O.V
Its 7 am, and I'm awake? how is that even possible? well actually I couldn't sleep. I couldn't stop thinking about Jai, when he was a kid, what he wanted to be when he's older, our memories and how Steph might be feeling. I got up, throwing a top on that matched my sweatpants and then put some shoes on. I tip toed down the stairs, not wanting to wake anyone up. I quietly picked up my keys and placed my hand on the Door knob, turning it slightly.
"Mister Beau Brooks?" I heard my Mum say, scaring the crap out of me, "Where do you think you are going?"
"Fuck sake Mum. What are you doing up?!" I said, walking towards her. She was sunk into the couch, her dressing gown hood up and a blanket covering her.
"I asked first." she smiled.
"oh.. well, I'm going to the hospital, you wanna come?" I asked, knowing my mum would say yes. I held my hand out to her and helped her up from the sofa.
"You're a good boy, Beau." she smiled. Her smiled was broke off by tears. I wrapped my arms around my Mum, squeezing her tightly.
"Sshh... Jais gunna be fine, Mum! He's strong.. I mean.. have you seen those biceps?" I chuckled, making my Mum laugh through her crying.
"He's my baby!" she cried harder.
"Yes.. but He's gunna be fine, promise me!" I said, pulling away from her, wiping away her tears, "c'mon. let's go!"
We walked out the door and climbed into my car, I turned the heater on straight away cause it was quite cold in my car. It took me like 15 minutes to drive to the hospital. We checked in and went straight to Jai's room. We walked in and Jai was led on a bed, a bandage wrapped around his head and a cast on his right arm. My Mum took a deep breath and walked in, holding his hand, the one with the cast. She started crying again. I looked across the room to see Steph asleep on the chair. I walked over to her, shaking her slightly to wake up. Her eyes fluttered open and for some reason, she looked happy to see us. She stood up quickly.
"Oh good! you're here!" she said, hugging me.
"yes? why are you so happy about that?" I giggled, hugging her back.
"I haven't hugged anyone for 24 hours.. Especially from the news I received." she said, sighing and releasing the hug.
"Jai, I'm here baby! Jai you can wake up now... Jai?" Mum whispered to Jai, I looked at Steph confused as to why he wasn't waking up.
"Gina, Gina.. come and sit down hun." Steph said, taking hold of my Mum and guiding her to the chair Steph was asleep on not so long ago.
"W-Why isn't he waking up?" My mum whispered, tears reddening her eyes.
"Right listen.. Jai has had a very serious head injury. He's in a coma at the minute, but.... he has a 50:50 chance of waking up!" My Mum started crying and goose bumps filled my skin, "But you and I both know, Jai won't leave us now. He's a strong kid so he Will wake up.. I know he will." Steph said, placing her hand on my mum's back, rubbing her comfortingly. Omg no! My baby brother!:(

Happily never after {FINISHED}
FanfictionThis is a story of a girl named Stephanie! She moves to Melbourne, looking for a new life. Will Jai brooks, the boy next door, start the new life... Or make it as bad as the old life? Steph and Jai have to fight for their love after ex girlfriends/b...