Beau's P.O.V:
I woke up this morning to someone singing in the shower room. I tossed over trying to ignore the noise but i couldnt. I looked at the clock hanging on my wall... 11am, seriously, why is someone singing this early.!?
I threw the covers off of me and ran to the bathroom. I banged on the door shouting "SHUT UP!!"
The shower stopped running and 2 minutes later Jai walked out, hair wet and a towel wrapped round the bottom half of his body.
"seriously dude, shut up!" i said stubbornly.
"sorry mate... Im just so happy!" Jai said with a smile on his face. I was really to tired to care and to be honest i wasnt listening to what he was saying.
"well, your just lucky i havent beat the living day light out of you!! Im going back to bed!" i said walking off.
I threw myself onto my bed and looked on facebook. I had added Stephanie on it last night and she had just accepted.
I looked on her wall and her picture was of her and a lady. The lady looked like her, but older- her mum im guessing! I read her latest status which she wrote 5 minutes ago. It said "today will be good:) met some really nice people yesterday... Cant wait for today
I smiled as i knew the status was about me and the twins. Maybe thats why jai was so happy... He was meeting up with Stephanie.
I decided i was going to comment on the status.
"haha, it was nice meeting you too miss fox!;) have fun today;)
After 5 minutes she replied saying "haha, thanks:) tell jai to hurry his butt up.. Im outside the shop!
"ok... He's just making himself look representable for you;)
Jai's going to kill me for saying that but oh well.
"JAI HURRY UP... STEPH'S WAITING FOR YOU!!" i shouted to him.
"crap! Hows my hair!" he said fast.
"haha... Gay boy! Its fine now goooo!!" i said laughing. I knew Jai liked stephanie... They do make a cute couple.
Stephanies P.O.V:
Ive been sat outside the newsagent shop for 15 minutes now... I was talking to Beau on facebook and he said Jai was on his way. I was really nervous. I just need to be confident, then maybe he will like me abit more. I just wasnt a people person... I get shy really easily.
I saw Jai walk round the corner where he bumped into me yesterday. I stared at him as he looked gorgeous. I was probably scaring him cause i dont think i blinked.
He walked right up to me and greeted me with a friendly hug. OMFG!! My tummy just exploded with excitement. I really need to calm down.
"hey, sorry about being late!" he said.
"oh, haha... Dont worry about it!" i stuttered.
"are you ok?" jai asked abit worried.
"yes!" i lied. I wasnt ok, all i could think about was Justin - my ex and how i didnt want me and jai to turn out like that! I wasnt going to tell him about justin.
"ok, well lets get going!" he said.
"where are we going?" i asked him.
"we are going to the park down the road, it has a big field!" he started to explain the park.
"that sounds really nice! Okay, lets go!" i said standing up and we both started walking off to the park.
Jai's P.O.V:
I walked round the corner and saw Steph. I nearly fainted. She took my breath away. She looked so beautiful, dare i tell her though!
I opened my arms and walked towards her. I couldnt help myself... I had to hug her. When she returned the hug my heart melted!
Im taking her to the park today, this park has bought me nothing but good luck. Hopefully this Park is where i can say ive made a permanent friend... I really want to wow her... Be, maybe, abit more then friends!
Before i left to go out, beau read me one of her statuses on facebook.
"i feel like a fool for trusting you... I feel like a complete turd for falling in love with you!!"
I wasnt sure whether to ask her about it or not. Ill get to know her first.
This park is really beautiful, i really hope she likes it. its a great place to get to know her, after ill ask her to come back to mine. Se already knows luke and beau so she wont feel too freaked out. Fingers crossed she wants to get to know me too! Who am i kidding, shes probably doing this to make me happy and then going to ignore me for the rest of my life. She can find someone alot better!!

Happily never after {FINISHED}
FanfictionThis is a story of a girl named Stephanie! She moves to Melbourne, looking for a new life. Will Jai brooks, the boy next door, start the new life... Or make it as bad as the old life? Steph and Jai have to fight for their love after ex girlfriends/b...