My taxi pulled up outside my new house in melbourne. Im moving here to make a new life, a new start. My life before wasnt the best, my mum passed away and my dad changed. He would beat me up and scar me... So i ran away.
I stepped out of the taxi and breathed in the warm australian air. I moved from England, so i wasnt used to the warmth.
I grabbed my bags out of the boot of the car and i walked up the drive way to my new house. Unlocking the door to my house, i heard some one throwing up just behind the bushes to my garden. I wasnt the strongest person when it comes to sick, so i decided to ignore it. After the sound of pucking, i heard a bunch of boys giggling.
Wow. My house was amazing. I paid someone to decorate it for me for when i arrived, and they did a splendid job.
Next, i must find a job... Some thing i like. I walked out of my front door and went on a search round town for a local newsagent shop. I walked past the bush where i heard the throwing up noice to find the expected... Sick! I also saw a t-shirt on the floor, it looked pretty new. I picked it up to see a picture of 5 boys on it and the words 'Janoskians!'
I sighed and threw the top on the ground and continued with my walk.
After 15 minutes i found the newsagent and had bought a newspaper, teabags, milk and sugar. I will do my main food shopping when i can be bothered, and once i find where the shop is.
I walked out of the shop reading the front cover of the newspaper, next thing i knew is i bump into someone... Knocking the newspaper straight out of my hands.
"Ohmigod, im so sorry!" an australian accent said to me.
"nah, dont worry about it!" i said looking up at the good looking boy, he looked my age (17)
He looked back at me like i had custard on my forehead.
"what?" i finally asked.
"your not from around here are you?" he asked looking me up and down.
"nah..ive just moved here today actually!" i said watching his eyes looking at me.
"sorry... Im luke...luke brooks!" he said waving his hand at me for me to shake it.
I reached for his hand and said "Stephanie Fox!"
"fox?!!" i heard another boy from around the corner say. I nod whilst smiling at him. He was good looking aswell.
"are you related to megan fox?" he asked.
"urm... I doubt it!" i said laughing at the look on his face.
"he really likes megan fox..." luke said.
"your hot enough to be related to her though!" he said winking, "im beau brooks... His big brother!" he pointed towards luke. I could feel myself blush at the fact he called me hot.
"haha.. Urm.. You already know my name.. So... Haha!" i really wasnt sure what to say, i found it awkward. They obviously did aswell because we stood there staring at eachother.
"well, i guess i better be going..." i said picking up my newspaper that i dropped on the floor. As i bent down to get it, beau smacked my bum. I shreiked and stared at him, he just looked up and whistled- trying to act oblivious. I felt myself blush, again.
"dont pretend it wasnt you beau!" i said whilst smirking.
"alright, alright, you caught me!" beau said waving his arms in the air.
"well it was nice meeting you... Both of you. Maybe ill see you around?" i said.
"yeah, ill make sure we see you!" luke said winking.
I turned to walk away when i heard someone wolf whistle. I carried on walking and stuck my middle finger up at them. As i did this i heard them laughing. Just as i thought that was the end of them boys for today, another one ran around the corner... Bumping straight into me.
"ouch!" i shouted as i hit the ground.
"im so sorry miss!" this boy said.
"luke your a-" i said but stopped as i noticed luke was still stood behind me. I started laughing as i was quite scared and embarrassed as i fell over.
"lukes my twin brother, im jai!" he said holding my hand to help me up.
"hello again!" beau said walking over and putting his arm around my shoulder.
I couldnt seem to take my eyes off of Jai.. He might look exactly like luke, but there was something about jai's face that made him more...... Yumm! Dont get me wrong, luke is very attractive, but jai has some, WOW FACTOR!
"im so sorry for knocking you over" jai said looking quite serious.
"dont be.. Plus, your not the first!" i said giving Luke the evils.
"nah i feel really bad.. Here, take my number and text me some time... Ill make it up to you!" jai said. I wasnt quite sure. I mean, ive only just met him... Do i want to trust him? His brothers seem nice, so why would he be any different.
I nod slightly and pass him my phone. As he's fiddling with my phone he asks for my name.
"stephanie Fox!" i reply.
"hey beau-" jai started,
"i know!" beau shouted back.
"alright, calm down! Here you go!" he said passing me back my phone. As i went to take my phone our hands brushed together. I panicked and gasped. I looked up into his eyes to make sure he didnt see how shocked i was, but he was already looking into my eyes. This was the first time we made eye contact. His eyes were a gorgeous brown colour.
As soon as we made eye contact butterflies flew around in my tummy... What is happening to me?

Happily never after {FINISHED}
FanfictionThis is a story of a girl named Stephanie! She moves to Melbourne, looking for a new life. Will Jai brooks, the boy next door, start the new life... Or make it as bad as the old life? Steph and Jai have to fight for their love after ex girlfriends/b...