Jai's P.O.V:
As soon as i saw the scars on her arm, i got really worried. She didnt know that she can trust me with anything. Yeah, i know we only met what? Yesterday?... But the thing is, Steph isnt like any ordinary girl... Shes someone who you can get along with so easily!
I sat next to her, getting ready for the story that explains her scars- i have a feeling this will be long!
"well, it started when me, my mum and dad were driving to the beach. We were such a happy family! On the way there we had a car accident, i was fine and so was my dad! My mum however, wasnt! She was in hospital in agony.. There was a 20% chance of her living!"
Stephanie paused and took a deep breath, wiping away a tear that escaped her eye.
"you dont have to tell me if you really dont want to!" i said re-assuring her. She shook her head and continued,
"my mum passed away 3 days later. Ever since, i didnt leave my room. I would cry myself to sleep every night, hoping that my mum will come back... But she wasnt, she never is! My Dad, wasnt taking it too well. Actually, he wasnt taking it well at all. He got drunk every single night and got high on drugs. Drugs are meant to make people happy, but the drugs made my dad angry. Every single night my Dad would take his anger put on me. The pain of losing my mum was bad enough, but having my dad slice my arms with knives and shuck me down the stairs aswell, made my life not worth living! My Dad controlled my life and i then ran away... And i moved here hoping to get a better life... Start fresh ya'know!" she shrugged. She lost her gaze from the floor and looked up into my eyes. She was crying, i was close to tears too.
"im so sorry Steph... I didnt know!" i said. I wasnt sure what to say... I was abit taken back when she told me about her dad beating her up.
"of course you didnt know, thats why i just told you!" she joked. I looked into her gorgeous greeny browny eyes again. I could read all her emotions. I got lost in her eyes, trying to feel what she felt... My thoughts were distracted to my mum shouting up the stairs to me.
"JAI... STEPHANIE... DINNERR!!" she bellowed.
I looked at Steph and gave her a comforting smile, she sent me back a weak smile. It was hurting her back so i hugged her tightly. Hugs always works for me when im upset.
We got off my bed and walked down stairs to eat dinner.
Stephs P.O.V:
I told jai about my mum and dad. It felt like a huge weight had been lifted off of my shoulders by telling someone. After my story telling he gave me a warm smile. After i saw the smile i knew jai wasnt going to tell anyone, he wanted to let me know i can trust him... I do now! He will soon find out about Justin and my friends... In a matter of time!
Now we are sat down stairs with the whole family eating Pizza, chips, onion rings and sweetcorn. I sat next to Luke and beau and sat opposite Jai.
"so steph?" luke asked swallowing the food in his mouth, "you getting on well with jai?" he winked.
I thought he was going to ask a serious question... But that was teasing.
"shu'up!" jai said giving Luke a death threatening glare. Beau decided he will join in.
"have you asked her out yet Jai... I know you want to!" he said. I could feel myself blush. Justin popped into my head again, it seems that the more he pops into my head, the more my heart breaks and my head hurts.
A shooting pain accured in my head and i gasped through my teeth and held my head.
"GET OUT OF MY HEAD!" i said angrily under my breath.
"um, Steph.. Haha, you alright?" beau asked rubbing my back.
"im sorry!" i said standing up and going to the toilets. I leant over the sink and glared at my reflection in the mirror. 'whats happening to me?' i thougt to myself. My head was throbbing and another picture of Justing came to my head. 'ouch' i said out loud to myself.
"is everything ok in there?" i heard jais australian accent say to me.
'yeah thank you, sorry about this! Do you have any tablets, ive got a head ache!" i asked jai hoping he'd say yes. The pain in my head in undescribable.
"yeah, ill just get some." he said.
I heard him run down the stairs and then i heard a knock on the door. What? Who was that? I unlocked the door to find Luke stood there.
"you alright?" he asked pulling me into a hug.
"yeah, i just need some tablets and ill be good again!" i said returning the hug.
"sorry to say, but you look awful... You need to rest!" he said guiding my to his and Jai's room. He pulled the duvet off of one of the beds and patted the bed for me to lay there.
"thnk you!" i said laying down in the bed. Luke nodded and walked out. 2 minutes later jai walked in and i saw Justins face again. The pain was so bad i had a panick attack.
Jai didnt know what to do. He splashed some water on my face and hugged me. Him hugging me made me calm down abit. As Jai pulled away i saw he had tears in his eyes.
"here," he sniffled. "take these!"
He handed me some tablets. I placed them in my mouth and swished the water into my mouth and swallowed. I sighed and relaxed in what i thought was jai's bed- well it kinda had 'JAI' written on the head board. The pillow and duvet smelt so nice, it smelt of Jai.
"go to sleep. I think it's for the best!" jai said. He kissed my forehead which soothed my achey heart. I rested and shut my eyes.
"night!" jai whispered to me.
"night!" i whispered back. Shutting my eyes did my head a world of good. Hopefully when i wake up tomorrow i would have healed. How do i explain this to gina and the boys tomorrow? Ill save the worrying for the moment, right now.. Im. Really... Tired!
With that, i fell asleep!

Happily never after {FINISHED}
FanfictionThis is a story of a girl named Stephanie! She moves to Melbourne, looking for a new life. Will Jai brooks, the boy next door, start the new life... Or make it as bad as the old life? Steph and Jai have to fight for their love after ex girlfriends/b...