"guys fan me:) i fan back"
Jai's P.O.V:
I sat up against the wall of the bowling complex, with Steph crying her eyes out against my chest. I have to admit, seeing her like this... It made me want to cry aswell. Steph told me what Justin had done. Thats fucking sick! I couldnt even look at him without going red with fury. Then justin goes and says he only wanted steph for her Boobs. What kind of sicko says that?!
It's been 1 hour and steph is still crying against my chest. Im not trying to say this in a mean way... But i kinda like her crying on me. Her sniffing has kinda calmed down now. It was all silent until we heard a massive scream. Steph jumped and covered her ears, hiding her face in my chest. I giggled and stood up, helping her up after.
"YOUR DEAD MAN!!" we heard someone shout. We then saw beaus hat roll round the corner. I turned around to talk to steph but she was gone. I turned around back to beau's hat to see her running towards the entrance again.
"STEPH NO!," i shouted and ran after her. She's gunna get herself hurt. I ran round the corner to see beau laying on the floor with blood dripping out of everywhere. Luke was sat next to him with a first aider. I looked into the bowling complex to see Justin starting on skip and steph running up to them... Oh god, what has this girl got in mind.
Steph's P.O.V:
I ran into the bowling complex and saw justin on top of skip. He's hurting all my new friends... They're gunna hate me after this. I tried pulling justin off but he just punched me to the floor. Dont cry steph. Dont cry.
I stood up and looked around for something to use... Quick steph. Think. Think. OF COURSE!!
I screamed skips name and justin looked up at me, which gave skip the chance to kick him off. Once skip was out from under justin he got up and ran before justin could get him again.
"so its me and you... Again" justin said standing up. In the corner of my eyes i could see the twins and james looking our way. Jai was trying to run towards us... But james was stopping him. I looked at jai and gave him a look to say 'i have a plan'. After that, jai sat on the floor and watched.
"haha, did you actually think you would make this better?" justin said. He took a step towards me. "cant you remember what happened last time?" he took another step. "now shut up and let me finish what i started"
"NO!!" jai shouted and ran towards us. "she told me everything you did to her... And its not gunna happen again!"
What was he doing? I had a plan.. Urgh!!
Justin pulled a gun out of his pocket and aimed it at jai. Omg! Its like a mini Eastenders or Waterloo Road.
"I know you love this boy." justin said, "i see the way you look at him... I know, cause you used to look at me that way" a tear rolled down justins face. "ill get rid of him steph... Why should you live happily ever after and not me"
"theres no such thing as happily ever after" i said, hoping it wouldnt make him pulled the trigger.
"say goodbye to your lover steph" justin said turning his back to me and facing jai. He still had the gun facing jai. I looked over at Luke and Beau, they were both in tears. James and Skip weren't looking.. I suppose it is hard to watch your best friend die.
"3.." justin counted down... I need to think of another idea.
"2..." yes! The perfect idea.
"1..." i stood on a chair, raising a bowling ball as high as i could. Before he could pull the trigger i released the ball which landed straight on justins head. Justin and his gun, fell to the floor.
Everyone in the bowling complex cheered. I felt like a boss. Jai took a deep breath and ran over to hug me.. I was a hero.
*1 day later* - Steph's P.O.V:
I woke up, in my own bed. I hadnt heard from the boys all day yesterday. They probably hate me after what happened to justin. As for jai, he propably doesnt feel comfortable round me anymore. He knows i like him. Well... I dont know wether i do or not.. But... I dont know.
*ding.. Dong* my door bell rang. I finished off the bit of toast i was eating and brushed my crumby fingers on my skinny jeans.
*ding dong*
"im coming" i shouted, whilst unlocking my door.
"gina?" i asked as i saw her stood on the other side of the door. She smiled and shrugged on shoulder.
"sorry, do you want to come in?" i asked. She shook her head.
"what can i help you with then?" i asked trying to be polite as possible."i have something in my car... It has your name on it" gina said.
"my name on it?" i asked.
"yeah, ill just go and get it" gina said turning around to her car at the end of my drive. I walked into my kitchen and put the kettle on, i left the front door open so she could just walk straight in.
"Steph?!" i heard her angel voice call out.
"in the kitchen" i yelled back. I heard her walk in so i turned around.
Woah! Right infront of me was a massive bunch of balloons. They were all shaped in flowers and love hearts.
"wow!" i said, stunned by these balloons.. There had to be about, what, 75?!
"heres a note that came with it" she said handing me a red envelope. I sat down at the kitchen table. Gina let go of the balloons so they bounced off my ceiling and came to sit opposite me.
I opened the envelope slowly and pulled out a white peice of paper.
"read it out loud" gina said.
"umm.. Ok... You came to my aid unplanned
And expect nothing in demand
But I want you to understand
That I'm thankful for your helping hand.
Thank you for your help yesterday: )
It means alot babe, luke and Beau
"um, steph... Theres another peice of paper in there" gina said pointing at the envelope.
I took the paper and read it in my head first.
"hello steph,
Im sorry for not contacting You yesterday.. Ive just been thinking. Can you come round as soon as your free please?:) thank you
i passed the note to gina and she read it. Once she had read it she put the paper on the table and winked.
"what was that for?" i asked whilst laughing.
"he likes you" she said leaning back in her chair.
"what? No he doesnt!" i said, i could feel myself blush.
"just wait... You'll find out" gina said as she stood up and headed for the door., "oh and steph? Go and get ready... Jai's waiting" she said and then left.
I smiled to myself.. "thanks gina!!!" i shouted.
"anytime hun!!" she shouted back. I then heard the door shut.
I re-read the notes and stared at the big bunch of balloons... I think im gunna like my new life more then my old life...i mean, ive already made great friends... And i love them

Happily never after {FINISHED}
FanficThis is a story of a girl named Stephanie! She moves to Melbourne, looking for a new life. Will Jai brooks, the boy next door, start the new life... Or make it as bad as the old life? Steph and Jai have to fight for their love after ex girlfriends/b...