Witches Before Wizards

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Luz's Pov

I woke up and looked around to see King and Y/n sleeping, then I realized it wasn't a dream!

"It wasn't a dream!" I said happily stretched my arms out and got up by opening the window.

"Good morning, terrifying fantasy world!" I said.

"Good Morning!" He said, I smiled then walked over to Y/n and King who were still sleeping. I picked up King as he shot his eyes open feeling confused.

"Good Morning you little pie~" I gave him some kisses on his face as he yelled. "I am NOT your cutie pie!!!" "Yes you are~" I snuggled him closely to me until I setted him down.

"Sigh... I know." He replied back, I walked over to
Y/n who was still sleeping, I pulled Y/n close and started snuggling her. "Good morning Y/n~" She opened her eyes tiredly, "Good Morning Luz... What time is it?" "Early!" I puts her down, then I skip over to the bathroom door and then I heard a voice.

"Hi Luz!" I screamed then turned around karate chop Hooty's head "Ow!- I'm just wishing you a good morning, Jeez.. Hoot..Ow" he went back to the door, I yelled. "Sorry Hootie!"

I looked at the counter where my Azura Book was and I grabbed it flipping on the page where her face was "This is it old girl! Your first day at the boiling Isles with your best friend Y/n! As a witch Apprentice!!" I punched the air, I ran over to the closet.

"Please have witchy clothes!.. (3x)" I opened my eyes seeing a ton of magic stuff. "YYYYEEEEESSSSSSS!!!!" *Screaming excitedly*

I ran to the living room to find Y/n and King chatting. Y/n looked at me. "What are you wearing Luz?" She asked. "Witch stuff!! Here's some clothes, hats and a name tag!! We could wear it together!"

"I would love to.... But Um....Luz, that's a dirty traffic cone and a bathrobe." I grabbed the hat and blew the dirt off and it turns out... It was a traffic cone, and I looked down at the bathrobe, I blushed in embarrassment.

Y/n Pov

Luz and I saw Eda's shadow coming at us, Eda looked pretty exhausted, Luz then said "Good Morning Eda the Owl Lady! We are ready for our first day of witch apprenticeship!" She waved at her.

"Who are you again?" This caused both of us to be shocked, we looked at each other then back at Eda.

"Remember us??.. Luz and Y/n?" Luz gestured towards me and her while we walked towards the dining area, Luz got hit by a flying mug, I decided to rub the back of her head. Luz kept her composure.

"We freed the oppressed and defeated the evil warden together.... And that was yesterday!" Luz yelled out loud.

"Kid lay off the details, I haven't even had my cup of apple blood yet." I looked at her in confusion. "Don't you mean apple juice?" Luz asked. "No." Eda responded, then continued to drink it, while King was trying to eat his food.

"Teach us some spells!" Luz asked. "When do we get a magic staff? Were we supposed to bring our own roots?" She gasped as she continued to think. "Do you have a dangerous quest for us?!?" She held Eda by the shoulder, "Woah woah Luzzy baby, calm down." I grabbed Luz and pulled her away from Eda.

"Thanks Y/n, and slow down kiddo, being a witch doesn't happen overnight. But a magic staff huh? Do you really want one?" She asked us. "More than anything." Luz said. "Definitely!" Y/n said.

Eda wipes her mouth then calls for her magic staff. "Magic staff come to me." We looked at the door and heard multiple crashing and bumping sounds... The staff the. Went whooping to Eda's face. "It's Early..."

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