I was a Teenage Abomination

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Y/n Pov

"Well Luz and Y/n, did you ever in your life think you'd see something as breathtaking as this!!" Eda showed us a giant sea monster... Luz and I looked in disgust, "I don't like this.." Luz mumbled as Eda put her hands on our shoulders.

"Yes it doesn't get much more inspiring than the trash slug, It makes a home.. A life from what others have thrown by the wayside." She pulled out a plastic rubber chicken inside from the slug and threw it. "Until, BLAM, it gets blasted by a wave one day and croaks from all the salt. And then we get to sell the stuff it ate!"

She hands out a pickaxe to us as our eyes widens and backs away a little "oh please don't make us do this..." I begged, And I noticed that King was walking away. "Ah c'mon Y/n, it's not everyday you get to go to the dump and pick apart a garbage carcass." He said as he set down a towel for him to sit.

"Ehh nuts to you both." Before we could see Eda swinging her pickaxe to the slug, Luz closed her eyes but she could still hear the smashing sound of it, I decided to look at the sky.

"So Eda.. What if we tried some new lessons for our apprenticeships?" Luz asked. "Like... read ancient scrolls or.. mix together potions or..." she listed until Eda cuts her off.

"Ugh that sounds like a bunch of magic school stuff." She said as she threw more stuff on the ground. "Wait... There's a magic school?? Like Hogwarts?!?" I said in excitement. "Cute uniforms?? Dark polys that threaten your life kind of magic school??" Luz added as she walked closer to Eda.

"Mm-hmm what's worse they force you to learn magic the "proper way" but magic isn't proper.! It's wild and unpredictable and that's why it's so beautiful." Eda paused and looked at us. "I didn't finish school and look at me, who wouldn't envy where I am right now?"

"Someone who has a successful lifestyle..?" I said secretly and then I felt Luz lightly smack my arm, "Uh hey here's a lesson a great witch is resourceful well that's it." Eda said as Luz started to put her hand in this green liquid and find a slime ball.

"Oh hey greasy slimeball." Luz said, looking at the ball. "Use your slime ball wisely young witch. Back at it we'll hit the stink nodes first." Eda said while looking through trash.

"Actually yeah if it's okay I think I'll head home and look at pictures of animals that are still.. alive..." Luz said she grabbed my hand and started to walk away, as we walked she let go my hand to petted King's head,

"Love ya, King!" Luz said, I crouched down and picked him up and hugged him. "Be a good boy while I'm gone." I said. "No promises!" He said, I placed him down and started following Luz.

"Ugh! If magic's all about digging for slimeballs, maybe I don't have the stomach for it." Luz muttered.

"Maybe it'll be useful later." I said, trying to cheer her up. "Like you'll use it in a life or death situation." I said while I looked at her.

"You can do it! You can!" A female voice cheered, catching the duo's attention.

"Mysterious voice of encouragement?" Luz muttered as she ran off into the trail, into the bushes, I followed her and then we came across a girl that had ravenette hair and circular glasses. The girl wore pinkish-purple and gray clothes.

"You can do it. Even if you get a bad grade, it's not a reflection of you as a witch. And my parents are right. There are better opportunities on this track. Now, get to school!" After the girl's little motivation speech, she saw she had stepped over a flower, "Oh, no! Oh, little friend, I'm sorry!" The girl kneeled down and did a quick little circle over the flower.

Luz and I looked at the girl in wonder before gasping in shock as the flower returned to it's normal lively state. The two girls heard something coming near them and tried to pinpoint where it was. A wheelbarrow with a pot came into view. On top of the pot sat a green-haired girl reading a book called 'Magic 101.'

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