Wing It Like Witches

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3rd Pov

Boscha in her bedroom, Which is filled with various trophies. "You are talented. You are a star. You may be hated, so long as you are feared. Most important of all, you are a winner."  She pulled her hair up into a bun, he ripped off the page of her calendar before walking out the door, revealing the whole month has been marked 'Grudgby Season.' 

Boscha walks through Bonesbrough dribbling a Grudgby Ball, passing several mesmerizing onlookers. "There she goes, captain of the Banshees. Off to win another championship for Hexside." An elderly woman whispered to another woman.

"Why can't you be more like her?" The other woman asked her child. The child breathes in deeply with an annoyed expression, Boscha approaches Hexside, with a banner reading 'Go get 'em Banshees' magically unfurling over the school. Skara, Amelia, and Cat form up behind Boscha.

"All right, girls. You know the drill. Captain goes first." Boscha enters the school. "Hello, Hexside! Your star has arrived. Groveling line starts here." Boscha looked around. "Something's not right. Nobody's here!"

Boscha peers around a corner, spotting a crowd of students gathered around Willow, who is holding a potted plant. "Do me next. Do me!" A student smiled. Willow uses her magic, the plant sprouted a fruit that looked like the potions student's face. The student took the plan and gasped. "Welcome to the world, little buddy. You're the coolest, Willow!"

Willow blushed in embarrassment. "Aw, shucks!" "Yeah, Willow rules!" An oracle student cheered. Boscha and her group waltzed past everyone. "Wow, she has to make friends out of plants. How sad." Willow's self-esteem dropped a lot after that remark. Y/n was digging in her book bag when she heard that, she got up in Boscha's face. "Coming from the loser that thinks Fame is so much more important than having an actual personality. Like seriously, you're soooo trashy." Everyone started laughing at Boscha, she glared at Y/n. "At least my dad didn't walk out on me." Y/n eyes grew wide, everyone said oOoOO. "How about you just stay in your place, human." She pushed Y/n which resulted in Y/n grabbing her wrist, "Y/n's, it's not worth it." Luz placed her hand on Y/n's shoulder, she let go of Boscha's wrist.

"That's what I thought." Y/n looked down. Amity looked at the whole situation from afar, she immediately decided to stand up for Willow and Y/n. "Oh, please!" Amity muttered as she walked over to show these bullies what for. "You know, I used to be like you, Boscha, obsessed with status, challenging my competition. But I grew up. When will you?" Amity walked past the group who were frozen into place after what she said. The crowd of students and Willow were laughing at her, "Oh, this is not gonna fly.." Boscha grumbled under her breath as she glared at them.

The Next Day

Y/n's Pov

We were flying on Eda's staff to school. "Our first grudgby season! I'm so excited, I have more school spirit than the school spirits!" Luz screamed once we landed, I saw the ghost. "Why do I even bother?" He groans and floats away. "Ah, grudgby season is the best. You know, I used to play, back in my gory days."

I smirked at Eda. "You don't say?" "You mean glory days?" Luz asked. "Well, that too. I was unstoppable on the best cheats." Eda's smirk widened. Is she really telling the truth? Eh, maybe she'll probably do that in her pastime.

"Cheating isn't anything to brag about. How do you know you were any good if all you did was cheat your way to victory?" Luz asked, shaking her head a bit. "Ugh. What do humans know, with your goody-goody attitude? If 'cheaters never prosper,' why was I the star player?" Eda questioned.

"Well, can't reason with crazy." Luz said. "Oh, you're one to talk, didn't I catch you copying off my test a few years back?" Luz flushed, "I-I'm not good at math!" "That's no excuse." I pulled King out of my hoodie. "So long, goober." "Bye King, you little snoozer." Luz said, kissing his forehead. I placed him next to Eda and started going to class.

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