Young Blood, Old Soul

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3rd Pov

"The Boiling Isles, born from the flesh and bones of a fallen Titan. This original magic was so potent, all life on the Isles evolved to wield magic too. For years, we explored those power freely. Until, a mysterious witch appeared who declared that he, and he alone, could speak to the island. He said that we were using magic all wrong. His teachings took hold, his strength grew, and he became... Emperor Belos. Belos said that mixing magic was wrong, that only he had that right. So he created the coven system. And there, our knowledge was restricted, and our potential sealed away. Those who resist are called wild witches, and they face harsh punishment. Emperor Belos has since retreated into his castle. There are whispers that say he's planning something big. I wonder if catching Eda was part of his biggest plan.... And Y/n's dad must be teaming up with him for his own secret motive... and it must include Y/n.." King placed the book down.

"What do you think, Luz?" King looked around and noticed she wasn't there. "Luz?"

Cut to Luz

Luz's Pov

I looked at this cape that Eda made for me and it had a tag written: 'To a young witch from her proud mentor, -Eda' I looked over to my phone and picked it up. I turn it on to see Y/n and I taking a selfie together... "I don't care what Belos is up to, or how strong Y/n's father is, because today, I'm saving Eda and Y/n!"

I walked over to the closet door to look for some weapons, I heard little tiny footsteps approaching my door. "Luz, what are you doing?" I turned to King. "This is serious, King! Eda used all of her power to save me and got caught by Lilith! And Y/n got kidnapped by her jerk of a dad! Eda is in her Owl Beast form and is being taken before the Emperor!  I don't know what he's planning to do with her, but I'm going to rescue her, and I will save Y/n from that imbécil." I growled at the last part.

"Haven't you been listening to me? He's the Emperor! He's the most powerful witch alive!" King exclaimed, I sighed. I turned around to face King, I kneeled down to his level. "King, please try to understand. Eda is in this situation because of my stupid choice! And I didn't protect Y/n like I was supposed to... I have to make up for it and get them back."

"But she's in her Owl Beast form! How will she even recognize you? And what about Y/n? If you find her, you still have to fight her dad! How are you gonna manage that?" I looked to the side not knowing what to say... that's true.. "I don't know, but I have to try anyway." King grabbed my hand. "Well then, I'm going too." I looked at him sternly. "King.." "Me and Eda don't always see eye to eye, but I do consider her family. And Y/n is my boo boo buddy! I want them back just as much as you do."

I smiled at him... Thanks King. "Alright. Then we have no time to lose!" It was settled King and I we're gonna go save Eda and Y/n, no matter what it takes.

Cut to The Emperor's Coven

3rd Pov

Eda was running around the Emperor's room, causing it to get messy. "Stop that this instant!" Owl Eda continued to keep making a mess. She ripped the banner of Emperor Belos to shreds.

"Hey no! Don't eat that!" Lilith bubbles her sister to stop her from destroying anything else. Eda glared at her. "Don't look at me like that. This is for your own good. Emperor Belos will heal you, and we'll be in his coven together. Isn't that wonderful?" Owl Eda blew a raspberry in response to her sister's nonsense. "I will not fall prey to your childish games." Lilith frowned, sticking her tongue out at Eda.

The door opened and Kikimora entered. "All kneel before Emperor Belos!" Lilith immediately bowed down as Belo walked in. Eda burst through her bubble and tried attacking him "Eda no!" Lilith yelled out. Jameson, out of nowhere, caught Eda with magic and thrusted her across the room. "Much appreciated." "Sure. Come along sweetie.." Jameson called out for Y/n. But got nothing, he walked back outside.

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