Adventures In The Elements

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Y/n's Pov

"King! Listen to this!" Luz exclaims. I was busy scratching King's head, I looked up to see what she was so excited about, in the process I pulled my hand up and King immediately grabbed it.

"Hey! Less reading, more scratching!" King tapped my hand, I smirked at his adorableness, "Sorry King." I placed him down on the couch, I made my way over to Luz.

"Now, that we'll be a student at Hexside I wanna learn all about it!" She paused. She immediately began blushing "I've got a new crush, and her name is education!" She looked at me,

"Are you sure? Because it seems you have your eyes on another girl." I flirted back, she looked away from me completely, King looked at the both of us in confusion. "I don't get this.." King said. I rubbed his head, "You'll understand when you're older."

All a sudden, Eda kicked out the door. "Hey, freeloaders! Guess what today is?" I started to think, "is it your birthday!?" Luz asked excitedly. "Is it my birthday?" King guessed, "It's my birthday!" Hooty called from the door. "Is it your time of the month?" Everyone looked at me in shock, I think they misunderstood me. "What I mean is; is it that time of the month where you go into our realm and take whatever garbage is laying around?" I said, everyone sighed in relief.

"Yes! Y/n! It's human treasure day!" Eda threw the briefcase which quickly shaped into a door and the Owlbert flew in with a huge bag of stuff from our realm. Eda jumped into the pile. "Ahh, fresh garbage."

"Ooo, gimme gimme! Yes!" King pulled out a teddy bear. "Another worthy addition to my army of terror!" He pulled the string on the back of the bear. "I love cuddles and kisses." King smiled, "Truly horrifying!" He complements it.

"Yo kid, your trash piles are getting cold.... While mine's getting hot!" Eda pulled out a hanger from her pile. "I have never seen such an extravagant earring." Luz tapped my shoulder "You can have my trash.. oh! Y/n, did you know Hexside was built on the bonez of its rival school? Which he literally conquered!"

I looked at her in shock, "Wow, that's pretty cool." I said looking at her, and then looked at the book she had and found a picture of a younger Principal Bump standing in front of a burning school with a flag of Hexside and a crowd cheering for him.

I looked at Eda, "Hey Eda, did you know this?" "Yes, I know all these things, I went there. It was the most harrowing period of my life." Eda looked at the mirror and admired herself. "Ohh Hello~" She flips her hair, I roll my eyes at my goofy Eda. I looked at Luz who was still smiling. "Can you imagine it! Me and Y/n, in the halls of Hexside, studying with Willow and Gus and maybe even Amity!" Luz smiled.

"Speaking of Amity, aren't you supposed to be meeting her later so that you can get your book back?" I asked, Luz smiled immediately, "Yes! Yes! Yes!" Luz immediately grabbed my wrist and rushed out the door before saying "I love you guys!"

Time skip

Luz's grip was really strong, "Okay Luz, can you please let go?? My wrist hurts!!" I exclaimed. "Amity, Amity, Amity, gotta find that- oh!" Luz saw Amity a few feet away. Okay this girl is going to rip my hand off, and why is she so strong?????? She has nerd arms!!! "There she is. Hey Amity! Luz and Y/n are finally here!" She started running towards the green girl, yeah I know I say that name a lot but hey it's a cute little nickname for her.

"Hey Luz!" Emira and Edric popped out of literally nowhere causing Luz to scream and fall down to the ground and luckily she let go of my hand. "Hey you two!" I greeted the twins, Edric gave me a nod, while Emira gave me a wink, which caused me to blush a little bit. And to focus on getting rid of that blush I decided to help Luz up.

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