The Convention

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Y/n's Pov

We were helping Eda sell some of the stuff she got from our realm. I finished bringing over the last box, then I turned to Luz reading a story to King.

"Emboldened by the dishonor Hecate had shown, Azura lifted her staff to the cotton candy skies and shouted "I challenge you to a witch's duel!" She turned to me, "Look I drew a flip book! Phew phew."

"Show me the picture." King demanded. "What?" Luz asked. "Show me the picture!" King demanded again. Luz laughed and showed him.

"I can draw better than that!! You know they once called me the king of artists!" King said. " I thought you were the king of demons Kingy, are you just making this up you adorable goober?" I asked as I scratched his head.

"Doesn't matter! What's important is that my followers would leave me offerings in fear of me!" King said.

"Well, I can offer you more of this tantalizing book." Luz said as she closed the book, I heard Eda groaned. "Please stop reading that. It's flowery language is an insult to witches and it's driving away all of our serious customers." She said as she gestured around us. I looked around...

"But mama Eda.." Eda grabbed my shoulders with a deadly glare. "Don't call me that, I'm far too young to be a mother." Eda said, I patted her cheek. "Far point, but there's no customers around." I said, she looked around to see the place was completely empty.

"There aren't aren't even any other stands around. What's going on?" Luz asked. "This is a bad omen.. there must be something terrible happening today.." Eda said in a whisper.

"Y/n! Luz!" We looked to see Willow and Gus, "something amazing is happening today!" Gus said. "Hey Gus! Hey Willow!" I greeted, I wrapped my arms around both of them. I stepped back to look at my friends, I saw Willow holding something, I looked at Gus who was blushing, I smiled in response.

"It's the annual convention! Student witches get to see all the types of covens before they're placed in one, there's even a mystery guess this year!" Said Willow.

"A job fair for witches, that sounds so interesting!" Luz said in excitement. "Mama Eda.." "Stop calling me that!" She hissed at me. "Can we go?" I asked. "Absolutely not." She replied. Luz groaned as she said to the ground.

"I never joined a coven for a reason. Sure it's like a fun club for witches, but you're also giving up your magical independence to be part of a crooked system." Eda continued, Willow and Gus winced.

"Eh, but, you know, no judgement." Eda crossed her arms and looked away. "In any case, I haven't been to one since we were girls." I went up to Eda's face and repeated "We?"

"I- the- I mean--" Luz stood up. "You have a mysterious past! Now we gotta go!!" Luz said in excitement "no."

Luz had an idea, "okay then you leave me no choice." I looked at her passing King the book.

"You shall not shan't do it! No more harm, Azura calleth out-" King  read out loud. "So flowery, so awful." Eda mumbled as she walked away from the story she opened the door and walked through. Luz grabbed King and tossed into the portal which closed and then reopened again with King still reading to Eda.

"Stop it! Stop it! I will literally do anything, just stop this!" Eda groaned, I started laughing.

The four of us made it to the museum looking building. Eda groaned as he pinched the bridge of her nose. Eda tried to stuff her hair hoodie.

"Gotta keep a low profile." Eda mumbled, "You need help?" I asked, she shook her head no. "Is the cowl really necessary?" Luz asked. "Do you think all my wanted posters are for petty theft?" Eda asked. The hood was on but many things were falling out of her hair.

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