Separate Tides

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Luz's Pov

After playing with King I decided to go record a video for my mom, I placed my phone by a bottle and began recording. "Boop! Hola, Mama! You haven't heard from me in a while. It's been a week and a half since I well... destroyed the portal home.... But I had to. Emperor Belos was gonna kill Eda if I didn't hand it over. But I couldn't let him use it, so I blew it up with some magic fire...." I rubbed my forehead..

"She's not gonna understand any of this." I closed my eyes, I felt someone poked my nose, I opened my eyes and saw Y/n. "It's alright Luz, I'll explain everything to her later." She smiled at me with that beautiful smile... she really is breathtaking... I think I can sense my face was getting red, so I decided to grab my phone so I could bring Y/n into view.

"And mama don't worry! Y/n is right here!" "Hi!!" Y/n waved. "Anyway, this world is filled with inexplicable magic wonders, like this portal key. I don't know if it contains magic, but I'm gonna study all I can!" Y/n places a hand on my shoulder. "Don't worry, I'll take care of her. And not to mention I'll teach her some of my magic!" Y/n started demonstrating her magic. "Yeah! Y/n been getting great with her magic! And I'll try my best to learn everything from her and find our way back home..." I said the last part hesitantly because I don't think there's any way we can get home without a portal...

"And don't worry, I have some friends with me." Y/n lifts her leg up to show King. "I'm never letting you guys go! You're never returning to the human realm!" Y/n grabs King and starts hugging him. "He doesn't mean that." "Yes I do!" I covered the camera. I ran downstairs, so I could show mom to Eda, Y/n and King followed me along the way. I found her trying to do some magic. "This is Eda the Owl Lady, the most powerful witch on the Boiling Isles!" I pointed the camera at Eda.

"Or at least she was." Y/n made herself seen in the video, while holding King. "Until her curse overpowered her and weakened her magic." I looked at Eda who was doing some magic but sadly the Apple blood popped and scattered all around the area. Y/n started cleaning the chunks off her face. "Well she's trying her best." I turned the camera to Lilith. "Eda was cursed by her own sister, Lilith. And she spent her entire life looking for a way to do it. It's still hard for everybody to trust each other, but maybe with time we can all become friends."

I looked at Lilith who was looking at her clothes, up until Hooty came in scaring the heck out of Lilith. Y/n and King start laughing. "Even though Eda gets frustrated, she finds new ways to make up for her lost powers." I turned the camera to Eda. "Check it Kiddos! A new hunting weapon! I will call her the stab-catcher!" Y/n pops into view, and starts explaining. "Because the portal is destroyed, Eda has no human junk to sell, so we started doing weird jobs in order to put food on the table."

"Hey King! Did you know that apple is a hat?" I saw King climb on top of Y/n's head. "Really?????" He jumped off her head and grabbed the apple from the ground and placed it on top of his head. Eda started aiming at King. "NOO!!! MY BABY!!!" Y/n ran over to King and knocked him out of the way, I looked back to the camera, "This week, we were bounty hunters. Next week we could be anything. So, Mom, please don't be scared. I'm growing more and more everyday, and I have Y/n here to back me up and protect me. I'm gonna do my best to become a full-fledged witch, and get home to you safe and sound. Te quiero, Mama. Te lo primeto, regresadre a casa pronto." I stopped recording and I tried to send it but it didn't work.

Y/n walked over to me after putting King down "still can't send you a message huh?" I sighed in frustration. "Yeah, I'm really worried about her.." "Don't worry your mom is one of the coolest people I know, I'm pretty sure she'll be fine." I smiled at her, "Thanks Y/n.." "Don't sweat it." I looked at her dreamlike. "Y/n! Luz!" Y/n looked at the door, "Come on." Y/n walked out of the house, I started to fan my face a little bit, I walked outside.

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