Through the Looking Glass Ruins

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Weeks Later

3rd's Pov

Y/n was walking through the woods with her hood up, she was covered in scratch marks, dirt, and blood. She climbed up on top of a rock to look around her surroundings, she jumped off the rock and proceeded walking.

Y/n's Pov

God... what an exhausting trip, okay to put it mildly I ended up running away from the Owl House for two weeks... hopefully Eda, King, Lilith, Hooty, and especially Luz didn't get into too much trouble... the reason for me leaving well it was a multitude of different reasons. Number one, I needed to clear my head. Two, I needed to start thinking about how I'm gonna face my father or the Golden dork, God what a jerk..

And more importantly..... My feelings for Luz and Amity have skyrocketed! After I and Amity fought that abomination to protect Luz, these feelings have grown at an exponential rate.... Like I don't know what to do with them...
They will hate you  I turned around to see who said that.. huh weird. After walking a few more minutes, my eyes saw The Owl House in the distance. I stopped in my tracks and I felt pretty uneasy... I left without leaving them a message or anything... I think they're going to be pretty angry at me... I decided to turn back and then I ran into Hooty...

"AHHH!!!!! HOOTY!!!" All at once, Hooty wrapped his body around me and started crying. "Y/N!!! YOU'RE HOME!!!" I tried to shut him up, but it didn't work. Instead, he pulled me close to The Owl House. I tried to escape, but it was pretty hard. It's like getting tangled up in a garden hose, "HOOTY STOP THAT RACKET!" Uh oh... Eda. "Look Hooty please.." "BUT Y/N IS HERE!!!!!!" " You dirty mother-" "Y/n?!" He dropped me in front of the door and out came Eda... she looks... pretty pissed.

"Y/n..." I smiled awkwardly while waving at her. "Hey, Eda... How's the wonderful youthful witch doing? Is Lilith here? Have you guys connected well?" "Stand up." I immediately frowned, I did as she instructed and I prepared myself for what was going to happen. I closed my eyes, and all I felt were a pair of arms wrapping around my figure. I opened my eyes to see Eda hugging me, she pulled back without letting go... and I was heartbroken to see Eda crying. "Where have you been?.... What happened to you?" I immediately pulled Eda into a hug and she hugged me back. After staying like this for a while, I decided I'll tell her where I'd been.

I pulled back and I was about to explain but I got interrupted by King. "Hey Eda, what's all that racket?" King walked out to see me and immediately got excited like a puppy that hasn't seen the owner for a long time. I mean, granted King is a dog, or is he something else? I felt King hug my leg, "Where were you!? We missed you soooo much!" I grabbed King and pulled him into a hug, "You missed out on sooooo much!" "I bet I did." "I'm still waiting for your explanation for where you've been these past two weeks." I looked at Eda, who still gave me a stern look. I sighed. I put King down, and I was about to explain everything until someone said my name again. "Y/n?" I turned around to see Luz, who was so shocked that she dropped her bag to the ground, and she immediately ran up to me to give me a hug as expected.

But... the hug is a little too tight for my taste.. After a while, it felt like she was crushing me. "L-L-Luz... a-a little too t-tight..." she finally let go and I started taking deep breaths, and then when I looked at her, I swear it was like looking at Eda's beast form. "Where have you BEEN?!?" I've never seen Luz this angry.. and if I can be honest it scared me a little bit. I backed up cuz she was a little too close, and I bet if I stood there long enough she would strangle me. "Well?" She stepped closer to me, I kept walking back up until I bumped into Eda, I turned around to see her also giving me a murderous glare. "We're waiting." "Yeah." I looked down at King who started growling.... You too, King? "Okay, okay, I'll explain everything. Can we just go in the house?" The three of them looked at each other before nodding their heads in agreement, okay time to explain everything.

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