Escape of the Palisman

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Luz's Pov

"W..what if he gets hurt?? What if the kids are mean to him?! My parental instincts are freaking out man!!" I exclaimed to Eda. "He's fine!" She reassured me. I felt Y/n wrapped her arm around my neck.

"Relax Mama Luz, he'll be fine. He looks like he's having a great time." Y/n reassured me as well. "Yeah… he does look like he's having fun… aww I wonder what wittle game he's playing." I whispered.

3rd Pov

To King

"Stand back cretins.." King whispered, also struggling to get up for a second. But was able to balance himself and made it to the top "Yes! YES!! This is a throne worthy of a tyrant!!! Bow to me you snotty little underlings! BOW!" King ordered the children.

"Okay!" The kids did as they were told. "Yes, appease your master!" King said in satisfaction, a kid appeared out of nowhere. "This isn't for standing, it's for sliding. You try!" The kid pushed King down the slide, he groans in frustration, he makes his way over to Y/n, Luz, and Eda.

Luz's Pov

King ran up to us "EDA! THAT MONSTER TOOK MY THRONE!" He kept pointing at the kid who took his throne.. so adorable. "Y/n kill that creatin!!!" He ran up to Y/n and pulled her foot. "You want me to harm a kid?" She asked in confusion. Eda looked at King with a smug face.

"NO THAT USURPER!!! I WANT YOU GUYS TO GO OVER THERE AND BLOW HIM UP!! KABOOM!!" King exclaimed and the kid that "dethroned" him repeated him.

"Yeah I'm not using Owlbert to blow up a five year old." Eda said, "I don't harm children, King. Besides, I'm too busy trying to take care of a baby right here." She pointed at me. "H-hey!!!" I screamed at her.

I looked at Eda who unhooked Owlbert from the staff making him come back to life, I only looked at Eda to ignore what Y/n said about me…. A baby.. how dare she.. "He's got better things to do. Like this…" She scratched Owlbert under his wing, making him chirp.

"Aw, what a sweetie.." I said as I looked at Owlbert. "Come here you wonderful bundle of Joy." Y/n demanded, she has a thing for adorable animals. Owlbert jumped over in Y/n's hands, and she immediately began snuggling him.

"How did you get him?" I asked, "Get? I made Owlbert from the branch of an ancient tree." Eda explained after letting go of him, Owlbert flew from Y/n's grab, and flew over to Eda's hand. "Oh he's my palisman and we're bonded for life. I'd annihilate anyone who'd hurt him." Eda frowned in thought as she scratched Owlbert softly.

"I would rip the skin off of anyone who dares harm my precious pet." Y/n said with a murderous glare. I started to think about what she said. "But Y/n, you don't have a pet." I said as I stared at her, "That's besides the point, if anybody there hurts my precious pet I will rip their skin off." Y/n said as she glared hard. I patted her shoulder. "Relax dear Y/n." Y/n calmed down and then smiled at me.

"Fine. Don't help. Revenge will taste all the sweeter if they fall by my hand and alone." King giggled, The kid who took King's throne pushed him to the ground. "Tag! You're it!" He laughed while running away. "Oh, man. Here we go. King's squeak of rage." Eda chuckled and did a small jazz hand.

King growled as he stood back back up then squealed as he threw a fit, he stood back up and started running at the kid while squealing in rage. Eda and Y/n started giggling at King. "He is like a little teakettle." Eda snorted. "Hahaha! Nice!" Y/n and Eda shared a high five. I looked at Owlbert scratching himself, I noticed he had a marking on his foot.

"What's that?" I asked, "that's his interlock, so he only fits under my staff.. every palisman has one." Eda smirked.

Eda's Pov

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