The First Day

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3rd Pov

Luz summoned a light orb that was sitting in her hand. "I'm not ready for this Eda, maybe we should go back…" Luz said nervously.  "Nah, kid. You got this! Just do what we practiced." Ed said. 

"Relax Luz, you can do it! Just stay calm and do that presentation!" Y/n cheered. "That's easy for you to say… Your performance was outstanding! What if I'm not that good?" Luz looked down in sadness.

Y/n grabbed her face, "Luz Noceda! Just be creative like you always are!" Luz tried to calm down but she immediately started asking questions. "W-what if I do something wrong?? What if I die??" Luz whispered.

"Hey calm down! Calm down!" Eda said, Y/n pulled Luz close and patted her head. "I had to do the same thing when I was a witchling. It's like a rite of passage! Granted, I was a little more skilled."Eda smirked. Y/n smacked Eda's arm.

"Eda! Be nice." Y/n scolded, "Right, right. Sorry, sorry. Now, get pumped." Eda put her firsts in front of herself." Y/n released Luz so she could follow Eda's command.

"Pumped!" Luz repeated. "Get ready!" "Ready!" "Now go!" Eda pushed Luz out onto the stage as she wore her cloak. From the humblest of beginnings, a hero will rise.. I have traveled from another realm and trained with a powerful witch to master dark and forbidden magic… I am.." 

She took off her cloak spinning around. "Luz Noceda!" She put on her spanish accent. "Confetti..!" She threw some, while smiling awkwardly. "Right. The other human that wants to be a witch. Against my better judgement, we've allowed you to take this exam to Hexside." Professor Bump started talking.

"But can you even do magic with your… Human Parts?" The old principal asked. "Sure I can!" She opened her bag "it's said that humans can't do magic." She brings out her papers.

"But we've discovered a lost technique that changes everything."  "Hm?" The principal leans closer, Luz looks at Y/n and Eda and they smiled and gave her a thumbs up.

She tapped the paper as it floated up becoming light. And she pressed the other one creating ice. She shakes her hands and grins looking forward. "Spells cast with paper? Much like Y/n. I still accept that, never heard of a thing, but is it enough to pass the exam?"

"Uh…" Luz slowly starts to get nervous "Improvise Luz!" Y/n whispered. "Um, I can do other things! What about… this?" She turns around flipping the outside of her eye skin inside out and turns back around making beeping sounds. And the principal wasn't amazed and frowned deeply.

"Ow, Ow! Eyelash! Eyelash!" Luz accidentally slips on the melted water from the ice making her stumble back a bit, trips and falls over her cloak, now covering her up. She struggled on taking it off. 

She started screaming and ended up falling onto the principal lap as some of the papers fell out of her bag. She accidentally touched the paper making a huge ice rise up "whoops" and yelps pulling both her and the principal upwards.

"I failed didn't I?" She smiled nervously "Believe it or not, I've seen worse." Bump said as Luz fell on the floor grunting. "Welcome Luz, to Hexside School of Magic and Demonic!" Principal dropped a small brochure on top of Luz's head. "Hurray…" Luz weakly said.

The Next Day

Y/n's Pov

We were flying towards Hexside in our uniforms. I wasn't that nervous as I've been to the school multiple times, but my sweet Luz, was on the verge of having a nervous breakdown.

"Mm… We gotta go back. This was a mistake! I'm gonna mess things up again and everyone will see, and.." I wrapped my arm around Luz's neck, "Relax Luz." I nuzzled my cheek against hers in order to calm her down.

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