Hooty's Moving Hassle

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3rd Pov

Eda was playing cards with Owlbert. They looked at each other. "Watch closely you two, Hex's Hold'em is the most tricky game on the boiling Isles. Any proper witch knows how to play."

"Oh boy! Cards! The paper rectangles that old people think are fun!" Luz said, Y/n put her Yu-Gi-Oh cards away and looked at Luz with a sadden expression.

Eda then placed a demon card and then lightning appeared on top of them making them grow mouths and legs. And then the card started fighting, Owlbert looked at Eda with a smug look, and Eda looked at him with an equally smug expression.

"Now when it looks like the deck is stacked against you, that's when you break out your wild card!" Eda pull out her wild card, which caused Owlbert's cards to burst into flames which spell out 'Winner Eda.'

"Woo, I win! In your adorable Owl face. Ah, I love the feeling of victory; it feels.. fluffy?" Eda looked at her arm and noticed that it was growing feathers.

"Uhh Eda! It's happening again..!" Luz pointed, "What's happening again?" Asked Eda, "Your curse is returning!" King said. The feathers were growing on her arm. "Oh no…" Y/n said.

Eda opens her box only to discover that there were no elixirs there. "I'm out of elixir." Eda grabs one bottle, shaking it, "Last time this happened, you turned into that thing." Luz said, showing the picture on her phone.

"I know I should be repulsed but.. that look is fierce." Eda says fixing up her hair. "Eda!" Luz exclaimed. Y/n made her way over to Eda and hit her nose. "No, that's a bad mama Eda." Y/n scolded, prompting Eda to roll her eyes.

"Your right, your right, both of you… We need to head to the market." Eda said, "Market!" Luz cheered, raising her hands in the air "I'm gonna steal everything that's not nailed down!" King also cheered "Come on guys!" Y/n yelled.

"Before we go, would anyone like to play one more hand of Hex's hold' em?"  Eda asked. She patted her pocket. "Hey where are my cards!!" She yelled. It turns out that Luz had them and she gave them to Owlbert. "Take these and fly ahead, she'll have to follow us." Luz whispered. Owlbert flew away which grabbed Eda's attention

"Owlbert you sore loser! Give me back my cards!!" She chased after the owl, Y/n and King started walking ahead with Luz trailing behind them.

Y/n's Pov

Eda was standing in front of a stand with a metal gate, with me, Luz and King standing near her, she started  banging on the gate. "Hey, open up, Morton!" Eda screamed. "Uh, just a minute!" Morton said. I looked over to Luz who was watching everyone passing by while we were sitting down.

"Is there anything better than people-watching in the Demon Realm?" Luz asked. A giant egg came rolling down the street before stopping at some point. One started rolling away as the same tiny girl ran "Wait, Wait! Oh dang it…"

"The curse of tiny legs." Luz shook her head with a smile, I looked at her smile which looked so cute… King sat down on my lap. "I know the pain." He grabbed his feet, "Woah, that is one ominous parade." Luz pointed as we got up, I put King on the ground.

"That's not a parade, those are demon hunters; dangerous nomads who capture and sell the most powerful beasts." Eda explained to us. The demon hunters did some magic and some green electric volts to circle around his hand, he  slammed his hand into the demon's face, sending an electric shock, this made Luz scared so she wrapped her arms around my neck, I.. nervously patted her back for comfort, as I was blushing up a storm.

"Which! I'm about to become if.. YOU DON'T OPEN UP MARTIN." Eda growled. "Sorry Eda..!" This Martin guy raised the gate. "I was up all night poison tasting and for some reason I don't feel great."

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