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Clay's POV

It was a bit later at night as a thunderstorm started and rain began to fall. I had just put on some shorts and a shirt as I didn't have pyjamas and was curled up under my blankets as I saw that George was looking at me, he was still awake and sighed. He didn't say much, but took a deep breath.

'I'm uh- a bit scared,' he whispered as he looked at his hands in shame.

I smiled and moved my hand down to his to hold his hand while he was scared. He started squeezing my hands as soon as our fingers intertwined with each other's and squeezed his eyes as well.

I saw a lightning bolt and then a loud rumbling sound as the lighting struck. George got startled very badly and clung onto me as he let out a gasp. I heard him sob softly and he hid his face in my neck. I held him tight and smiled.

'Calm down, George. It's just some thunder, it's going to be alright.'

'I'm very scared,' George whispered.

I started running my hand through his hair and let him rest his head on my chest to listen to my heartbeat. I knew my heartbeat was going pretty fast since I was this close to George, but George didn't seem to notice.

As there was a loud sound again, George curled up and held his hands on his ears as a tear rolled down his face. 'Calm down, it's going to be okay,' I said. I pulled the sheets far over him and started humming a song to calm him down.

George closed his eyes and squeezed them tightly as there was a lighting bold again. I held my hand on his ear. 'Focus on my heartbeat.'

George was breathing a bit faster than usual, he was actually terrified.

'Listen to my heartbeat,' I said again and George nodded slowly as he held his eyes shut, resting his head on my chest. 'Is there a boy you like?' I asked to distract him.

George shrugged. 'A little bit.'

'Imagine yourself cuddling with him.'

As I said that, George cuddled up with me very tightly and intertwined our fingers together.

'If you like that boy then he's probably amazing,' I said, still running my hand through his hair.

'He is,' George muttered with a smile. 'I'm not sure if I like him, I just really love being in his presence and I love it when he gives me attention.'

'Do I know him?' I asked, feeling a tiny bit jealous that he liked someone else than me.

'You do,' George muttered. He seemed to be very tired so I didn't know if I was allowed to know this. I stopped talking before he revealed any secrets I wasn't supposed to know and let him sleep.

He calmed down completely and started breathing slower as his arms were wrapped around my waist. I put my sad feelings away, I didn't like him that way, so I shouldn't feel sad that he didn't like me that way.

George fell asleep ten minutes after our conversation and I started getting more tired as well. I ended up falling asleep with George in my arms, just to be woken up by Sapnap laughing.

I always slept really lightly so I looked up at Sapnap holding his phone.

'At least you kept your clothes on,' Sapnap grinned as he turned around to go to the bathroom.

'You're so dumb,' I said with a small smile. I got a bit uncomfortable with him joking about me being gay, but it was still a tiny bit funny to me. I wanted to tell them that I'm omnisexual yesterday, but I really didn't have the courage to. I was going to today, I promised myself to do it today.

'Actually, Sap. I want to tell you something when George wakes up. Now I can't go back anymore.'

'That's fine, but take your time. If you aren't ready to tell whatever to us, then don't.'

'I'm ready, but I'm just being a pussy and I don't know how to start.'

'You're not a pussy for sure. It probably had a reason that you don't dare to tell us yet.'

'Please, when I tell it, don't assume anything.'

'I won't, I'm sorry if I did before, but I won't with what you're going to tell us.'

'What are you going to tell us?' George muttered as he sat up. 'I just woke up and heard you say that you want to tell us something.'

I nodded slowly. 'I can better just say it immediately, then I don't have to stress about it any longer.'

'Go ahead,' Sapnap said with a comforting smile on his face.

I sighed deeply. 'So about yesterday, you know. I'm uh- in fact omnisexual.'

Sapnap frowned and nodded. 'I knew you liked boys, but what does omnisexual mean to you?'

'I could fall in love with all genders, but I highly prefer boys. With that, I don't think I'm sexually attracted to any other gender than boys, only romantically.'

'So you're only sexually attracted to boys and romantically to all other genders?' Sapnap asked. He was trying to understand it which made me feel appreciated.

'I'm also romantically attracted to boys, though. I just prefer boys, but I would be able to fall in love with girls, non-binary people, bigender and so on.'

'That's epic!' Sapnap shouted happily. 'I'm proud of you both. I get why those jokes made you uncomfortable now, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have joked about it when not being sure if you were straight or not.'

'It's fine, you can joke about it now. I was just closeted before, but I'm fine with it now.'

'I'm proud of you too,' George said. 'It would be a bit weird if I didn't accept you since I'm gay myself, but I accept and support you whoever you will like.'

'Same goes for you,' I said as both Sapnap and George gave me a tight hug.

I felt so loved by them that I would probably not stop smiling for the rest of the day.

1033 words

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