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Clay's POV

George and I had to stand up early the next morning since we would have to travel for a long time. We would have to go to the boat by car, which would be an hour to get there. Then we would have to wait for a bit and go on the boat later, causing it to be around nine hours in total to get to the place in France we wanted to be.

Sapnap stood up early as well so he could say goodbye to us and then he would go home after that. My mum would come home for ten minutes so she could say goodbye to me and wish me a happy holiday and then George's parents would pick us up to start the long car drive.

I was excitedly waiting for my mum to come here and it took five more minutes after I finished breakfast for the doorbell to ring. I stood up and ran to the door with the biggest smile on my face.

'Mom!' I yelled as I looked at her face as soon as I opened the door.

She looked at me with tears in her eyes and walked in to give me a tight hug. 'Clay, sweetie. I'm so glad to see you! How has the sleepover been?'

'It was great, mom. I'm glad to see you too. How is work?'

'It's a lot, but I got four hundred pounds!'

I smiled and looked down at my feet. We both knew it wasn't near to be enough and we both knew that it was still a really low amount for the hours that she had worked. I sighed softly and bit my bottom lip so I wouldn't cry.

'That's g-great, mom,' I whispered with a small voice crack.

'I will buy you the foods you want,' my mum said happily and I shook my head.

'Don't worry, keep it to pay the rent and such.'

My mother nodded and didn't argue more since we had such a short time together.

'I hope you're going to have a lot of fun on the holiday with George. I can't thank them enough.'

George's face appeared around the corner and he walked closer with a smile on his face. 'Hi, how are you?'

'I'm good, just a bit tired,' my mum replied. 'I hope you both will have a lot of fun on the holiday. You can text me and send me pictures if you want.'

'Okay, mom,' I said softly. I was trying to hide the upcoming tears in my eyes.

My mum gave me another tight hug and after we talked shortly, she left again. I didn't even notice that I stood still in front of the just closed door, staring at the ground as my eyes were filling with tears. I started squeezing my hands a bit and bit the inside of my cheek, causing my mouth to fill with a kind of metallic taste.

I suddenly felt a hand on my shoulder and someone grabbed my hand, just to lock his fingers with mine a few seconds after that. He pulled me closer and hugged me against his body as he ran his other hand through my hair.

'Clay, it's me. I'm with you,' a sweet voice said. 'You can cry, it's fine.'

With that, I bursted into tears as I sniffed loudly. 'S-s-she doesn't e-even have e-enough f-for o-one m-month of r-rent,' I sobbed.

'Look at me, Clay. It's going to be alright, I'm going to help you,' the sweet voice of George sounded.

I looked up at him and saw him smile at me as he rubbed his thumb over my cheek, wiping my tears away. 'It's going to be okay.'

I nodded slowly as I sniffed loudly after that and George grabbed a napkin from behind to give it to me. I blew my nose and wiped the new tears away, throwing my napkin away after that.

George let go of me and grabbed my hand to lead me to the couch. He made me sit down for a little and pulled me close to him so I could let my head rest on his shoulder.

We sat like this for minutes just as long as it took George's parents to arrive here. We said goodbye to Sapnap as he left to go home with all his bags and I stepped in the backseat next to George. We would be going to his house first to pick up his twin siblings.

'Hey boys, how has it been?' George's parents asked.

'It was great!' George said with a big smile. 'I'm glad I was with Clay and Sapnap.'

'I'm really glad as well,' I said with an even bigger smile. 'I would have been alone this whole holiday if you wouldn't have been here.'

'I'm glad that we can help. How is your mother?'

'She's okay, I guess,' I muttered. 'She's very tired and still doesn't have enough money.'

I noticed myself getting emotional right away, something George's parents noticed. They ignored the subject and George started telling about what we had done on the holiday. His parents listened and were interested as I was happy to just sit and listen as well.

I was so in love with George that I sometimes secretly looked at him in the corner of my eyes. I really hoped his dad wouldn't see me look in the mirror he had in front of his vision, because I didn't want them to know I was in love with their son. His parents didn't know George was gay either so I could better just keep anything that was about this quiet for this holiday.

Unless George wanted to talk about it or unless we would suddenly be a thing, I would have to hide all my feelings just as long as it took for me to get over him. I was now going to enjoy the holiday without constantly stressing about my stupid crush.

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