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-Mentions suicide (short)

Clay's POV

George told me that we was going to tell his parents that he was gay this evening. He knew they probably already knew, but he still wanted to officially tell them. When it was nine and his siblings went to bed, George and I went downstairs to go to his parents.

George sat down on the couch in front of them, he was nervous. His parents didn't seem to make a big deal out of it at all and his mum walked to the kitchen. 'Do you want some hot chocolate milk?'

'Sure,' George muttered.

'And you Clay?'

'I would like to, thank you,' I said as politely as possible. I wanted to make the best impression on them now that I was George's boyfriend.

His mum made the chocolate milk and came back with two cups, putting them on the table. She sat down next to his dad and smiled. 'What did you want to talk about? I heard you wanted to talk about something from dad.'

George took a deep breath. 'I think I'm nervous for absolutely nothing since dad probably already knows, but anyway. I'm together with Clay,' he said as fast as possible.

George's dad smiled and stood up to grab George's hand. 'Of course I already knew, but I'm glad you've told me. I will always love you. May I ask what your sexualities are? I don't want to assume anything.'

'I'm gay,' George muttered.

'And I'm omnisexual, but I'm way closer to being gay than straight,' I giggled.

'I just didn't want to come out out of nowhere, so I decided to kiss Clay for the picture.'

'Oh, I knew it before that too,' George's dad grinned. 'I've seen you kiss like three times.'

'Oh,' George muttered. 'At least we tried to hide it, I guess.'

I wheezed and rolled my eyes. 'And failed miserably.'

'You kissed me first,' George grinned.

'And you kissed back,' I wheezed.

George was the one to roll his eyes now and then he stood up. 'I'm very tired, so I'm going to sleep now.'


'Sure, you just want to be alone,' George's mum teased us.

'It's time to go,' George grinned as he pulled me with him to the door. We walked upstairs and laid down in bed once we arrived there.

We cuddled up and I looked up at George. 'Do you want to sit on the balcony?'

George gave me a small nod, his face stood a tiny bit sad, combined with a happy spark in his eyes.

I lifted George up and we went outside, letting him sit on my lap as I held him tightly. 'Georgie, you look a bit sad. What's wrong?'

George sighed softly. 'I know I'm supposed to be happy, but I don't feel happy. I feel bad, kind of defeated even.'

'Hey, calm down,' I said as I ran my hand through his hair and let my lips softly touch his a bit colder cheek. 'Are you cold?'

He shrugged. 'A bit.'

'I'll keep you warm,' I said as I pulled him closer. 'What's wrong, Georgie. You can talk to me.'

'I will annoy you with it,' George mumbled under his breath. He let out a faint sigh and shrugged again, having the spark disappear from his eyes.

'I'm just sad,' George muttered as he sniffed softly, wiping an upcoming tear away from the corner of his eye.

'What's wrong? Talk to me. You're not going to annoy me with anything.'

George turned his eyes to our hands which were locked together. He rested his hands on his lap as he looked up again.

'I feel so bad for you,' he then whispered.

I was quiet for a little and heard George let out a quiet sob. Suddenly tears streamed down his face as he hid his face in the hoodie I had pulled on.

'There's no need to feel bad for me, sweetie,' I said, kissing his cheek as gently as I possibly could.

'But I do, it's unfair,' George whispered, sobbing a bit louder.

'It's not unfair, honey. It's fine.'

'It is unfair, I wish I could give you half of our money so you could be happy with your mum.'

'We are happy,' I answered, giving him a soft kiss on his nose. 'You're cute, Georgie. You don't have to cry, it's alright.'

I wiped his tears away with my thumbs, but the tears kept falling down. 'I want you to be happy.'

'But I am happy, I'm really happy.'

George sniffed loudly and shrugged. 'As soon as it's about your mum, you try not to cry.'

'I just feel a little bit bad for my mother sometimes, but it's fine. We will be alright.'

'I feel a bit desperate. I want to help so badly, but I can't do much.'

'Honey,' I started as tears filled my eyes. I hated seeing him this sad. 'It's making me cry when I see you this sad. I'm happy, okay? I'm fine, I love being with you and maybe someday it will be alright.'

George's body was shaking because of him crying this much and I kissed his hair. 'I love you, George. It means a lot that you care about me, but I'm actually fine.'

'What if I lose you?' George muttered.

'What would you lose me from, love?'

'Starvation or even worse, suicide.'

'George, I would NEVER kill myself and I promise you that on my life. I love you, I love my mother, I love Sapnap. I wouldn't leave you behind, I'm not depressed either. Even if I would be incredibly hopeless, I would stay here for you three along with your parents and siblings as well.'

'Are you actually not depressed?' George asked me in a very quiet way.

'I'm not depressed, I'm just a bit sad sometimes. And yes, I do feel like this is an endless cycle, but I love my life, my friends and my mother. Life isn't about money, it's about love to me. And I'm glad to have all the love around me. I have a loving mom, I have a best friend and I have an amazing, lovely, cute, sweet, beautiful and handsome boyfriend.'

George smiled softly and held me tight. I could just hear his soft voice whisper the upcoming words. 'I love you too, Clay.'

1061 words

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