prologue. The beginning

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Killian pov

I stormed out of the house in anger leaving my parents looking at my back " he will be fine" I heard my dad say. I turned around glaring at him.

" I hate you" I shouted at them closing the door behind me heading down to the beach. I know I can be too much sometimes, I act like a brat but they promised.

Promises are made to be kept not to be broken. Of course the silly me believed them.

They promised and now they broke the promise. I hate them! When the elevator opened I stormed towards the beach sitting down at the end of the shore watching the waves tears falling down my eyes, how can they do this to me.

I should have stayed at home instead of coming to this boring vacation, I would be playing with Dillon right now but they forced me to come promising to buy me a dog when they knew they wouldn't do it just because they wanted to lure me in to coming. Who does it,

probably my parents.

I am so mad at them. " Why are you crying beautiful" I was startled by a voice behind me. I looked up to see a boy around my age smiling down at me. I shrugged my shoulders not giving him my time as I looked back at the shore while eradicating my tears. I don't want to talk.

I love dogs so much, I have been asking my parents to get one for years now! they always say no to me, I should have known that they were lying. This time they said they would buy me one but instead they only wanted me to come to this stupid boring vacation, with no one to play with.....

I looked at my side when I felt someone sitting beside me. It was the same boy,he still had a wide smile on his face. Why can't people take a hint, I have literally showed him that I don't want to talk to him.

" Don't cry little flower, everything will be fine" his voice was soothing and soft as if talking to a ten year old.

" I'm fourteen, don't talk to me like I'm ten" I snapped at him but still his smile didn't faze away. If I am not mistaken it just widened, he had a beautiful smile though.

"I didn't think that you're ten beautiful" he ruffled my hair making my eyes to widen. Why was he calling me beautiful. " You have a beautiful voice" he said dreamily. What is wrong with people now days.

" I am not beautiful and stop touching me" I beat his hand away from me rolling my eyes at him, he is just making me more angry. Why can't a man get a piece of mind.

" To you my dear you're beautiful" he said scanning my whole face, I glared at him slapping his hand away from my hair which he had put back, what is wrong with him. " What is your name beautiful" he asked his voice so low. I sighed lowly not replying him, what is his problem.

" Corey let's go" someone called behind us, we both looked behind seeing another boy around our age looking at us or rather at me with an angry expression.

" Wait a minute" this boy besides me shouted back putting his gaze back at me "  Corey is my name like your heard, at least tell me your name my beautiful flower" he asked, I sighed looking at him shaking my head.

" You don't give up do you" he shook his head still smiling at me. I had a feeling that he won't stop until i tell him my name so I gave up, I would have left but I didn't want to see my parents right now and if I tell this Corey boy my name he will leave me alone in peace. " Killian" I said

" What a beautiful name for a beautiful boy" he pitched my cheek making them to turn red. What's his problem, he is touchy touchy " nice to meet you killian" he said.

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