chapter 15. change of plans.

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"Aria can I have s word with you" I say nervously nibbling on my lips not looking her in the eyes because of what I was about to do! I was sightly shaking, my heart beating rapidly in my chest about this. We were happy in our relationship and Aria was a perfect girl. Although I always thought that something was missing whenever I was with her but neither the less she was a perfect girlfriend. I had had a crush on her since the day I saw her and I had had a fantasy of being with her for a long time, we had planned our future together but funny how things Change.

Now I have to tell her the things I  thought I would never utter to her like ever, I had promised to never break her heart but it's exactly what i was about to do right now. " O-okay" she nodded saying bye to Shelly and Hannah who looked at me with a small smile. I gazed at Corey who was talking to Luca as he gave me a thumbs up with his sparkling heartwarming smile which put my heart at ease feeling brave. His smile was so beautiful, I would watch him smile for the rest of my life and don't get bored.

I sighed holding Aria's soft small hand in mine and I almost pulled out at the way it felt. No sparks flying all over my body like when Corey holds my hand, it was just plain. Was it always like this all a long. I asked myself. Her hand was too small in mine yet Corey's hand fit perfectly in mine. it was so warm, Safe and strong. Now holding Aria's hand feels weird. Oh boy how things change. We entered an empty classroom making sure that I closed the door behind us, I don't want teenagers to hear our conversation they tend to earsdrop. We sat down on the bench side by side both of us gazing at eachother then look away as if we don't know eachother at all. My mouth opening and closing not knowing where to start.

"It's ok killian!" Aria was the first to break the silence looking at me with teary eyes. " You want to break up with me,I know" she whispered her voice shaky. I felt like I couldn't breath at how her voice sounded. I'm such a bad person doing this to her.

"I'm r-really s-sorry" my mouth felt dry and I needed to think my next words properly. She looked at me flashing me a small smile as she breathed in and out.

"killian, you don't have to say sorry about something you can't control. I kinda of knew this would happen when Corey appeared" Aria smiled putting her hand on my thigh squeezing softly"it was all written on your face how much you wanted him and love him,the way your eyes lit up just by the call of his name, the way you smiled when he is around, the way you act around him, was beyond me. I knew he was gonna take you away from me!" Aria smiled squeezing my thighs softly again.

"I never thought this would happen Aria, I didn't even know how it started" I said truthfully.

"The problem with you killian is that sometimes you're oblivious about certain things, even if something is in front of you, you don't see it" she chuckled lowly "it was written all over Corey's face that he likes you but you didn't see it. You continued to friend zone him but I am happy that you finally see it and accept it"she inhaled deeply "I appreciate your honesty really, thank you for breaking up with me. It would have hurt so much if you continued blocking me out. But all in all I'm happy for you"she smiled sweetly at me as I returned it

"You never smiled at me like that, I love and I want you to be happy that's all what matters!" I was relieved to here her say that "That's why these days I let you go but I wanted You to tell it to me straight in my face Although I wasn't ready to hear those words to tell the truth"  she looked in to space sadly

"I am sorry" that's all I had to say.

"Don't worry, I will be fine even though it's breaking my heart, you know I love you" she let out a shaky breath "we had plans, our perfect future, I was looking forward to do everything with you truthfully but we can't force love killian. I do understand, I am still young I will get my own man to share those dreams with me, your not mine and I accept that let me hope you share those dreams with Corey. Change of plans I guess"she smiled at me.

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