chapter 10.The project.

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I was so damn confused yet I know what I feel, last weekend was the best weekend of my life, Corey had again awakened something inside of me which I thought I would never feel again. I knew our relationship wasn't normal at all and deep inside I thought he might like me but I always brushed it off because I thought he can't like me. For god's sakes look at me and look at him,I am just me and Corey is Corey.

Corey was so handsome with his hazel greenish eyes which sparkle when the lights hit in them, bad boyish look, his muscular form which is to die for and oh my, his body. His hard body and now I see why he spends most of his time in gym, it's worth it. I feel so insecure around him

I have never looked at any other boys differently ok when I met him I looked at him differently but after him I have never looked at other boys. I knew I fell for him since I was fourteen but I always thought he didn't feel the same way like I do.

I won't lie I had had these thoughts of men in my head all these years but I have always talked myself out of it. I don't want to accept it and I don't know why. I just wanted to burry that part of me because I always thought it was wrong, that's why I talked myself out of it and since I had never been attracted to any boy, I thought it would be easier but Corey had to reappear again, only his name brings goosebumps all over my body.

Him liking me was so new to me.

I always thought that he was a touchy touchy person and I never gave it too much thoughts but now he confessed,I didn't know what to say to him. Yes I like him and I enjoy our time together, spending time with him is always the best. I'm confused because I have a girlfriend, what does this mean.

I always thought I love Aria, she is beautiful, smart and nice and we have always had plans of our future although whenever we had sex I faked coming because it never turned me on at all.  I never feel that need to come when I was with her. I always thought it would pass with time, now Corey gave me a blow job and let me tell you, I felt like I was in heaven, my heart was swelling in happiness, it felt so damn amazing and so right.

My body reacted in ways I couldn't understand and I found myself submitting to him like a fool, I didn't even push him away or stop him, it's like my heart always wanted that,no, needed it, I couldn't control my body, the shivers that ran through me were too much and the pleasure was on the other level. The moment he put his warm hot mouth around me fire exploded inside of me and I couldn't breath.

I couldn't say anything and my dick was standing at its length. I had never seen my dick hard like it was  that day, just looking at him and I'm a goner.

I always struggle getting hard with Aria, I have to think about some attractive men to get it up and since it was a vagina it didn't work for me, now I know why. Just by Seeing Corey's body makes me wanna cum even without him touching me but with Aria I don't even feel her touch like at all.

Yes her kisses are amazing and sweet, her body is gorgeous but that's that. She is too feminine for me, I want hard, muscular, flat chest and rough hands all over my body. Not Aria's soft hands or boobs. Eww no, I want flat chest.

Like Corey's!

Corey is so much different,his hard body pressed against mine feels amazing, sleeping in his comfortable chest, all if it makes me wanna snuggle closer to him and never let go. Only his touch burns my skin in a good way in that I can't stop myself. His gentle soft touches makes me shiver in pleasure and the way he treats me makes my body tingle.

I don't know why I'm still doubting my sexuality, it's out there in the open. I know what my body wants and it wants Corey.

'Oh Corey' I sighed, sounding like a love sick puppy but if you get to see Corey or do things he did to me this last weekend you would also sound like me.

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