chapter 6. confusion.

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" Guys  do you remember Corey" I say looking directly at my parents.

" Corey who?" my dad lifted his eyes from the papers he was reading gazing at me, brows furrowed together in questioning.

" The boy I met in Australia,on that vacation you took me by force lying to me that you will buy me a dog!" I whisper yelled sipping on my tea glaring at my parents still mad at them for lying to me.

" Your still hung up on that!" Mum says with a shake of her head.

" You both lied to me and you never said sorry, I'm still mad of course!" I say with frown on my face.

Mom rolled her eyes before speaking "Your a grown up now get over it"


"Oh That sweet little kid you wouldn't shut up for almost five months!" Mum cut me off saying her eyes lightening up remembering Corey. I cursed internally for Changing the topic. All I want is for them to apologize for what they did but they never did, not even once.

" The touchy touchy one!" dad added making me grin widely forgetting about what I was auguring about with mum" what about him" dad asked and I was sure mum also wanted to ask the same question at the way she so attentive.

"He was enrolled to my school this week!" I say with a big smile on my lips remembering Corey's rough hands on my skin, how he makes me feel safe just by smiling at me and call me pet names which makes my whole body shiver in anticipation, my face heated up just by thinking about him.

" Oh!" mum and dad exchanged looks as if talking in there heads or something. Are they werewolves because their eyes lit up in excitement " is ..he still the... same" I can see she was trying to look for the right words.

"He is still Corey and when he found out that it was me, he started were he stopped...."I bit my lip hard " Calling me pet names like before!" I completed feeling my ears burn in embarrassment.

" And you like it" dad asked looking at my mum as of talking in their heads again. And mum was like she understood what dad was saying.

"Even if I didn't like them you know Corey he will continue calling......" I stuttered out not knowing what to say, why do I tolerate him, yeah it's because I secretly like them. He was cocky, overweening and overconfident yet I like it. I was confident too but Corey's confidence was out of this country. I don't have confidence to call another man pet names he does.

Mum cleared her throat getting me out of my thoughts" why did he move here!"

" I don't know yet but we are hanging out today, I will ask him about it" I reply, they nodded looking at each other " I think this week had been busy for the both of you" I changed the subject, I didn't like them talking in their heads, it's like they are talking about me when I'm in front of them and I don't like it.

" Yeah it had been a hectic week!  we have to go to the office today too yet it's a Saturday, can you imagine" dad replied tiredly, I haven't seen them the whole week.

" So is your girlfriend ahhh..... what's her name again....." mom asked forgetting Aria's name again.

" Aria mum!" I rolled my eyes internally at her, she always forgets her name.

" Yeah that's her name Aria, sorry I forgot again, is she ok with Corey being sweet and all to you" I was confused, what does that mean. Why would Aria not be ok with it.

" Why wouldn't she, Corey is my friend and that's the way he is!" I say defensively

"Keep dreaming" dad muttered under his breath but I heard him perfectly.

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