Chapter 3: Venomous

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(Union Academy. Ozpin is seen having a talk with Bane.)

Bane: Let me get this straight, you want me to destroy those Dekarangers?

Ozpin: Yes. They are starting to become a burden to Union's glory. And I need you to destroy them before they get to gain the trust of the people. (gives a venom syringe) Inject this on yourself and crush them like bugs.

Bane: I'll break those Dekarangers just like I broke the bat!

Ozpin: (smirks) Good.

(At Lexcorp, Kevin and Velvet are seen holding hands.)

Velvet: Oh, Kevin. It's so wonderful to have the boy of my dreams with me.

Kevin: You're the girl of my dreams too, Velvet. Exactly the way I always imagined.

(The two have a passionate kiss.)

(Meanwhile, Izuku is seen doing some target shooting practice. He shoots various targets.)

Luthor: Bravo, Izuku.

(Then we see Richard holding a picture of his father Soichiro Yagami.)

Richard: (to himself) I swear I will avenge my father, no matter what!

(Then the alarm starts beeping.)

Yagyu: Problems.

(At the main room)

Luthor: It looks like Bane is leading a massive prison riot. And as I expected, the so-called heroes are not doing anything about it. That's where you're in. Your mission is to stop the prison riots and bring Bane down!

Richard: Leave it to us!

(Then the five teenage heroes start their transformation.)

Five Teens: Emergency, Dekaranger!

(Then they transform into Dekarangers)

FIve Teens: Tokusou Sentai Dekaranger!

(Then the five heroes divide and go to the five locations where the riots are happening.)

(Back to Union Academy, Ozpin is seen with Bakugou, Cardin, Ruby, Asuka and Issei.)

Ozpin: The Dekarangers are taking action at this point. Now it's your turn.

Bakugo: Hey, don't need to boss us around everytime, okay?

Issei: Shut up, beating weaklings up is the biggest fun I have!

Cardin: I say the same!

Ruby: (sighs) Can't we just hurry up and find out who they are?

Asuka: I agree!

Bakugou: Yeah, yeah...

Cardin: We better stop wasting time!

(Then the five fake heroes decide to go after the Dekarangers.)

(In London, Deka Red is seen fighting the inmates who are trying to escape. Then the police officers are helping him however they can.)

Deka Red: They seem to be many, but I can't give up.

Matsuda: You remind me of our deceased boss.

Deka Red: Good to know, Matsuda.

Matsuda: How do you know my name?

Deka Red: You'll find out.

(Meanwhile, Deka Blue is seen helping other officers in Chicago, where another prison riot.)

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