Chapter 7: Under The Red Hood

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(Kevin Rose is seen investigating a wreckage of a warehouse, then he finds a body.)

Kevin: There's someone here.

(Then he checks on him as he somehow recognizes him)

Kevin: He's still breathing... Good. But somehow I know him... Is he...

(Then he finds out who he just saved as a flashback of two kids, one of them being Kevin is seen before ending.)

Kevin: Jason?

(Then some minutes later, Kevin takes Jason to the hospital as Lex Luthor communicates with him.)

Luthor: Have you found any survivor, Kevin?

Kevin: Yes, Commander Luthor. And you won't believe it, but he is my childhood friend when we were in an orphanage.

(One hour later, Kevin is seen watching Jason as he wakes up from his coma.)

Kevin: Jason, are you okay?

Jason: (weakly) How do you know my name...?

Kevin: Jason. it's me, Kevin.

Jason: Kevin? My childhood friend at the orphanage?

Kevin: That's right.

Jason: You grew up, Kevin...

Kevin: Hehe. Same about you, my friend.

(Next day, Kevin and Jason are seen talking as they walk in the corridor)

Jason: How was your life?

Kevin: Well, since I was adopted, I got a happy family... Or at least I thought so...

Jason: What happened?

Kevin: They started abusing me and neglecting me. I had enough and ran away. Then I saw two girls running away from a bunch of bullies, racists and perverts. I helped the girls to escape and subsequently I got beaten. If it wasn't for Lex Luthor, I would be already dead.

Jason: It looks like you're a survivor.

Kevin: Yes. I am a survivor. What about you, Jason?

Jason: I was a thief until a rich man took me in, raised me, trained me and taught me how to fight for justice. But I started wanting to remove criminals, and my mentor didn't like the idea. He said that there are limits which cannot be crossed. Then we kept arguing, and I was left to die.

Kevin: Your own mentor let you die?

Jason: Yes. I was tortured by a clown. And the warehouse exploded.

Kevin: The very warehouse I found you.

Jason: Yes. I guess we're both survivors.

(Then both laugh)

(Some minutes later, Kevin and Jason see Richard Yagami doing some target practice. Richard shoots each target without missing any shot as the screen shows "PERFECT")

Richard: Yes.

(Then Kevin and Jason come in)

Kevin: Hey, Richard. This is Jason Todd. A childhood friend of mine.

Richard: I'm Richard Yagami.

Jason: I watched your target shooting.

Richard: Wanna try it?

Jason: Here. Let me show you how you truly shoot.

(Then the targets show up again. Jason waits for them to line up and then shoots the three targets with only one shot. And then the screen shows "EXCEPTIONAL")

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