Chapter 10: The End Of Kira

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(The Dekaranger are seen searching for Light Yagami.)

(Meanwhile in the main room, the headmasters decide to leave Light behind.)

Light: Wait, where are you going?

Ozpin: L and his allies will come here anytime. Near is the general of Atlas and Mello helped Sienna to get the White Fang to ally themselves with those Dekarangers. And if you want to know why we are leaving you, this is all your fault. You're on your own now, Light Yagami!

(Then they leave)

Light: (tries to communicate with Misa) Misa, can you hear me?

Deka Red: (offscreen) Misa is no longer, brother!

Light: (turns around and sees the Dekarangers and Blake) Brother... How could you...

Deka Red: You think we killed her? No, brother. (shows a detention card) She is still alive.

Light: You won't get away with this, brother! I am Kira! I AM GOD!!

Deka Red: Tell me, brother. What would be your reaction if you found out that our little talk is being broadcast.

Light: You can't be serious!

(a screen appears, showing Near's face)

Near: Yes, Light Yagami. He is serious. At the moment, your talk is being broadcast worldwide. You can't escape, Light Yagami. You just admitted that you are Kira.

L: (shows up) If this comforts you, Light, I have already suspected that you were Kira. But I had no evidences. And as you can see, Near and Mello are my successors. And they did a great work together. Even better than I ever did.

Near: Separated, we would have been easily defeated by you. But working together, we managed to solve the case. And we are here.

Deka Red: And now you will pay for what you did to our father. One way or another!

(The Japanese Task Force is seen hiding)

Matsuda: Wait, Light is Kira?

Aizawa: Yes, he is.

(Light tries to pick his Death Note, but)

Blake: Looking for this?

(Blake shows the Death Note)

Yang: You took his Death Note?

Blake: (glares at Yang) Be glad I haven't written your name or Ruby's in it!

(Despair and Rage are clear as day in Light since he was discovered by his brother, L, Mello and Near. But then he does the unthinkable. He laughs at the situation.)


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