Chapter 44: The Battle in the Jungle

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(At South Vietnam.)

US Pilot: This is Hotel-Nine-One! We are going down in Sector Bravo Tango-Seven Niner, mayday mayday!

(A sound of an helicopter crashing can be heard.)

US Pilot: Damien, you still with me? Come on, Damien! Talk to me!

(Damien slowly wakes up and regains his vision.)

Damien: Saigon, are you okay?

(Saigon points Damien to the pilot. Two VC soldiers on a boat can be seen heading to the helicopter.)

US Pilot: Shit, my leg, I'm bleeding. I need some help here!

(Barbie Wire comes over to check on the pilots.)

Barbie: He's dead.

US Pilot: Shit, they're comin'!

(He is shot dead as Section and Harper grab their M1911s.)

Harper: Kill those bastards.

(Section shoots the two VC soldiers on the boat outside.)

Tilla: We gotta get outta here. This thing's about to...

(The helicopter suddenly sinks.)

Wallcroft: We're going under, Marcus!

(Marcus begins to swim and open the door. As he tries to budge it open, Hunter opens it from the other side.)

(Marcus leaps onto a sampan, uses a human shield and takes down the rest of the enemies with his AK-47. The last Japanese Soldier is killed with a headshot in slow motion.)

Robotboy: Stay sharp, Marcus

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Robotboy: Stay sharp, Marcus. They're out there. This is Lima 9 X-Ray...

Hunter: Left flank, Damien! On the ridge!

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Hunter: Left flank, Damien! On the ridge!

Saigon: Dead ahead! Take cover!

(Matt "Damien" Matheson, Bomani "Saigon" Triathlon, Jason Todd/Red Hood, David "Section" Mason, Mike Harper, Petty Officer 1st Class Crosby, Barbie Wire, Tilla, Marcus Burn, Wallcroft, Clone Force 99, Robotboy, Robotgirl, Tommy Turnbull and his friends take out the rest of the Viet Cong in the jungle.)

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