Chapter 18: Nowhere Left To Run

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(Back to the present time)

(At the forest, the heroes seen on Chapter 16 are gathered.)

Woods: Airfield's just ahead. Let's go find this shithead.

(Then they start walking)

Mack: Priority is to the Union Agent before things go hot.

(As they go on, they see some kind of enemy camp)

Adler: Jobb, check it out.

(Then Jobb uses his binoculars)

Saxton: Any sign of the Union Agent?

(Then he zooms in on a bald guy)

Mack: That's not him.

(He zooms in on another location)

Mason: Nope.

Bowman: Incoming truck. Left side.

Gru: Get your eyes on it, Jobb. The Union Agent might be in the truck.

(Then Jobb zooms in on the truck as it comes. Then the Union Agent comes out)

Woods: I can't make out his face yet.

(Then the people in the vehicle get out of the truck.)

Mack: The fuck. It's gotta be the Union Agent.

Saxton: Hold fire. We need positive ID.

Gru: That's our man. Take him out.

(Then Jobb shoots, but Dove Bronzewing gets in the way and gets shot in the head.)

Woods: Shit... We missed him.

Mack: We can't let him get away.

(Then a cross-fire happens.)

Saxton: Get the Union Agent.

Adler: We have to stop that plane.

Woods: Quickly. Before it takes off.

Gru: Let's go, minions!

Kevin (Minion): Move it.

Bob: Get to the truck.

(Then Jobb gets in the back of the truck along with Mason, Mack and Gru, while the rest gets in the front.)

Mack: Hop in.

(Then the music Need for Speed: The Run-Make Up Time (Full Version) starts playing.)

Mack: Let's get him!

Adler: Go! Go!

(Then they shoot some of the Union students until Gru warns them.)

Gru: To the left.

(Then they keep shooting)

Woods: Goddammit. They're getting away.

Adler: We're not done yet. Deploy the RC.

(Then the minions deploy a Remote Car and start controlling it.)

Jobb: On the ground.

(Then the remote car starts shooting.)

Gru: Take out the landing gear.

(Then the remote car still goes on.)

Mack: Get under the plane.

(The remote car gets under the plane, and then the heroes resume their chase after the Union Agent. The plane starts burning and the heroes barely managed to get out of the truck. Then one of the plane's wings falls over one of the heroes.)

(Mack is seen down as Adler offers a helping hand and Mack accepts it in order to get up)

Saxton: We got the Union Agent.

Woods: (to the Union Agent) You should have freed the hostage when you had a chance.

(Then Woods throws the Union Agent down)

Union Agent: Hostages? It was never about the hostages.

(He tries to shoot, but Mason kicks his gun off.)

Union Agent: The Union's plan is already underway. You won't be able to stop them this time.

Adler: Stop Who?

Union Agent: Sirzechs, Ozpin and All Might.

Kevin (Minion): Bullshit!

Bob: We WILL stop him!

Union Agent: Bullshit? The Union will be so happy with the fireworks that the Space Station LOKI will do. Half of this wretched mankind will burn!

(Having had enough, Gru shoots the Union Agent in the head.)

Adler: The Dekarangers will want to hear about this. Let's sweep the tarmac for survivors and get to Langley.

Bowman: Who the fuck are those three?

(15 minutes earlier)

(The Dekarangers are seen face to face with the Legion of Doom.)

Deka Master: Very well, Dekarangers! You know what to do!

(To be continued)

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