Chapter 41: Time for some Desperate Measures

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(A static image of the Lubyanka Building is seen, then a map and the KGB badge. Then another blueprint is seen, and next comes another map along with a static image of the bunker and a person walking through it)

Adler: The Lubyanka Building... KGB Headquarters in Moscow. The sleeper agent records are stored in the archives one hundred feet below ground in a nuclear defense command bunker.

(Another blueprint is shown, and some seconds later a video of the elevator is seen.)

Sims: Your only way in or out is through this high security elevator.

(Then some identities are shown, and then the KGB script. Next comes a blueprint, and a circle with "Yamantau" is shown.)

Adler: We'll need proper credentials. That's where our asset, Belikov, comes into play. Belikov has been our source inside the KGB for nearly a decade. He'll get us in. He came through for us in Yamantau, and he'll do it again.

(Then a triple image shows a security system, and then a footage of russian vehichles comes next.)

Sims: This shit is crazy, even by his standards. You sure he's on board?

(Then a missile is seen launched, then a nuclear explosion destroys an entire city, and last but not least, a red telephone.)

Adler: An immediate nuclear threat warrants every risk at this point, I'm sure he wouldn't disagree. Sims, get Belikov on the line.

(Then the screen changes to an office room, where the phone rings, and someone attends it.)

Penile: Hello, this is Penile.

Foley: I'm sorry, I thought this was the Singapore Embassy.

(Belikov establishes secure connection.)

Belikov: The line is secure. Are you here?

Dunn: We're almost to the tunnels. Did you get access to the bunker?

Penile: No, there is a problem. They suspect a mole and security has been elevated.

James: There's always a problem. Solve it.

Belikov: I will have a bunker key for you soon. I have never let your team down.

Reznov: Not yet. I know you have this under control. And one more thing. One of our East Berlin informants recently switched sides and fled for Moscow. We have reason to believe he's in the Lubyanka building today. He knows too much about our Berlin network. I'm thinking an early retirement.

Penile: We will take care of it.

Petrenko: Good. Now I know why Hudson thinks so highly of you. We'll meet you at the basement entrance once you have the bunker key.

(Belikov disconnects the secure line. A military man walks into his office.)

Soviet Soldier: Comrade Belikov, you've been summoned to the conference room upstairs. Secretary Gorbachev is here from the Central Committee.

(Then Penile and Balikov sees another Soviet Soldier talking with a Soviet Male.)

Soviet Soldier: I'm sorry. You'll just have to come back tomorrow.

Soviet Male: I drove hours to get here.

Soviet Soldier: That's not our problem.

(Then they go to another office room.)

Soviet Female: Comrade Zakhev is still waiting on this.

Soviet Male: Try holding the power button one more time.

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