Chapter 36: Executive Order: Stopping the Nuke

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(Mackie "Mack" Connor, Jobby Handel, C-Miller, Indiana Jones, Mutt, Hesh Walker, Logan Walker, Mason and Woods appear in a boneyard near the Soviet Cosmodrome. A Mi-8 passes above them)

Mack: No response...We gotta move.

(They emerge from cover and move through what appears to be a scrapyard.)

Jobby: Stay sharp, guys. Let's go, pick it up.

(They stop to report to Bowman's team.)

Miller: Whiskey come back.

James: Go, X-Ray.

Indiana Jones: Soyuz One launch is imminent. We're on our way, over.

Foley: Roger.

Mutt: We're running out of time, guys. Let's go.

(They reach a cliff with a view of the whole facility. A lot of activity can be seen. Mi-8s are flying, convoys are moving, etc.)

Hesh: No, no, no, somethin's wrong. There is way too much activity. Yankee one three-report.

(No response)

Logan: (more gruffly) Yankee-one-three-report!

(Still no response)

Woods: Gone dark... (hands a pair of Binoculars to Mason) Here, see what's out there.

Mason: (Observes the Soyuz Two rocket) They're at final countdown There's Soyuz Two, scheduled to launch 10 minutes after Soyuz One. (Changes view to the communications building) Up ahead, the comm's building.

Mack: Guys, we got activity on the road. Check it out.

(Mason zooms in. He finds Winter strapped to a chair, and Colonel Dovchenko attempting to contact them.)

Mason: Damn, it's Winter Schnee...

Jobby: Who is this guy?

Dovchenko: Surrender now

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Dovchenko: Surrender now... And you will be allowed to live.

Indiana Jones: This is Colonel Dovchenko, one of my enemies.

Dovchenko: This is your only warning.

(Getting no reply from them, Kravchenko grins maliciously at what he plans to do to Weaver next.)

Dovchenko: Your choice.

(Dovchenko moves in and rips Winter's eye out with a knife while the X-Ray Team still watches.)

Winter: RAARRAGHH!!!

(Mason lowers the Binoculars in disgust and fury.)

Mason: Ugh... you son of a bitch!

Miller: Whiskey Team, are you in position?

Miller: Whiskey Team, are you in position?

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