Chapter 6: Dekaranger VS Ace Operatives

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(At Atlas, a young white haired boy is chosen to assume the position as the General of Atlas. This one is the leader of S.P.K. known as Near.)

(The Ace Operatives are both shocked and pissed as the first thing Near did was cut all bonds Atlas had with Union City. Winter was the only one who approved Near's ideal, and subsequently she became part of S.P.K.)

(At Atlas Main Room.)

Winter: I confess I'm shocked.

Near: What for?

Winter: First, for a young boy leading a group of agents and becoming general of Atlas. Second, I suddenly became part of S.P.K.

Near: Well, you're one of the few who broke their bonds with Union. And you are really determined to earn redemption.

Winter: Is there something I can do for you, General Near?

Near: Just call me Near for now. And yes. Have you heard about "Kira"?

Winter: You mean the one they worship as a god?

Near: Serial killer is more accurate! He and those from Union are simply attached to power and mistake themselves as gods, but in the end, they're just crazy sociopaths. This is what they are. Nothing more, nothing less.

Winter: Hmm... I see... what of it?

Near: I want you to investigate those who are closer to this serial killer. You can start with Misa Amane.

Winter: Misa Amane?

Near: Yes. She is one of the people linked to Kira. Just don't let her see you.

Winter: Don't worry. I can take care of myself.

(Meanwhile at White Fang's hideout, Mello is seen disguised as a faunus as Sienna Kahn calls him.)

Sienna: Mello.

Mello: Yes, my mistress.

Sienna: I want you to do something for me.

Mello: What could be it?

Sienna: I suspect somebody is trying to backstab me. I want you to use your Death Note and write the name of whoever is trying to do so.

Mello: Sure thing.

(At Lexcorp, Lex Luthor receives a message and clicks the button as a footage shows the Ace Operatives.)

Clover: If you're seeing this message, this means Ironwood was unfairly arrested!

Elm: In behalf of Union, we challenge you Dekarangers!

Vine: Meet us across the bay!

Harriet: We'll be waiting for you!

Marrow: Just be warned, Dekarangers!


(Message ends.)

Luthor: It looks like the Ace Operatives decided to challenge us.

Richard: (offscreen) We accept their challenge!

Luthor: What?

Kevin: If they challenged us in behalf of Union, they got aware about what we can do!

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