Take 3

704 11 4

Yuzuru's POV
Interesting person. I catch up with Shoko and Ishida. "Where were you Yuzuru?" "Got distracted, hehe."


I walk to school. "Oh sh- good thing I brought an extra (skirt/pair of pants)!" I turn to the art room. I peek inside the room to see (Y/N) painting. (They/He/She) had a brush with green paint on (Their/His/Her) (skirt/pants). (They/He/She) grab(s) the brush and continue(s) painting. They look concentrated. They look... interesting. What if I... take a picture? I lift my camera up and snap a picture. "Who's there?" I quickly move and point the camera to a flower.

"Oh, hello Yuzuru." I turn to look at (them/him/her). "Hi (Y/N)." (They/He/She) smile(s). "Haha sorry, I heard a flash. I guess you were just taking a picture of that flower. Lillies are quite nice flowers. Indeed beautiful, in China they mean tied to a hundred years of love. Rather beautiful meaning. Although never ending love would be better. As true art should. Oh sorry, I ended up rambling to you." "It's fine, you have a keen sense of hearing. Class is starting soon, have a nice day." "You too."

I hear (Them/Him/Her) snap a picture. I turn around and see (them/him/her) looking intently at (their/his/her) camera. "I should paint this flower, rather beautiful form of non-lasting art. I must make it last more." "You're one weird person." "Haha, I get that a lot."

(Y/N)'s POV
I do get that quite a lot, but not with that voice. She has quite a nice voice. So pure, so calm and kind. Although kind of nervous. So beautiful piece of art. Yet so short lasting. I must get to listen to it over and over. I should record it, but how? Recording isn't a form of art. But it it a way of saving. I guess there is no problem with me recording it. Now I must get a recorder. I see Yuzuru waving a hand on my face. "Yo, are you there?" "Haha yeah, I was just thinking about something." "Okay."

"I hope my rambling doesn't make you uncomfortable. I don't hang out with people much, so I usually talk to myself." "Don't worry about that. We can hang out after school if you'd like. We could go to the park and look for stuff we can take pictures of, or for you to draw." "I have art club, but if you're fine with waiting a while. I see no other reason for me not to accompany you to the park. Although I was planning to go to buy something... I can buy it tomorrow. I'd be more than glad to hang out with you after school, if you'd like to wait for me, or you could go off and I could catch up with you at the park." "Don't worry, I'll wait for you. We can go together when art club ends."


I hear the art room door open. I turn to see Yuzuru. "Hi, Yuzuru. I'm missing something, but if you'd like to come sit by my side and watch. It's just a small detail. It shouldn't take long to finish, but I wouldn't want for you to get tired from standing. After all, we will be walking in the park." I turn back to the canvas I was painting on. I hear Yuzuru move a chair and sit besides me. I continue painting the small details on the petals of the flower I'm painting.

I side eye Yuzuru to see her looking at the roof. "Would you like to finish this last petal?" I see her turn to look at me. "I'm not good at painting." "Don't worry, I'll help you." I hand her the brush I was using. I move the canvas to her. She moves the brush to the canvas and presses it on the canvas. "Don't press it with so much force."

I move behind her grabbing her hand and moving the brush with her. "What? Captain has never let any of us get even close to (their/his/her) paintings in all our years here!" "I'm new and I've never even gotten to talk to (them/him/her) after school or club hours." "(They/he/she) never even let the old captain touch their brushes." "Do you think that's (their/his/her) girlfriend?" I hear whispering around the room. I feel Yuzuru's grip on the brush get stronger. "I apologize if their whispering is making you uncomfortable. If you all would like to go back to your paintings or if you're done then please leave the art room. Because this is no place for you to gossip. If I hear any more gossip in this room I will have you out of this room before you can say another word. So disappointing to hear you gossip about such ridiculous stuff which you have no source of. I can lend my brush to whoever I want and I can let anyone touch my paintings if I want. I would like for you all to respect your seniors and don't make our guests uncomfortable." I glare at them. "S-sorry."

After Yuzuru and I finish the petal I go wash the brushes and the paint palette. "Let's go now, Yuzuru. I apologize for keeping you here so long." I grab my bag after putting the brushes and palette inside it. "I should wash my hands first." She puts her paint stained hands up, I grab her hand and bring it close to my face.

"They look like a pair of masterpieces in my eyes, but if you must." She smiles awkwardly. "Oh, I do apologize. That must've sounded weird. I hope I didn't make you uncomfortable." "Don't worry, if you like my hands might as well paint them hehe." "That sounds like a good idea actually." I take out my camera and snap a picture of her hands bing held in position by mine.

"I was joking!" I see a slight blush form on her cheeks. "Oh, I apologize. Although I do believe your hands are rather nice. Let's get going now." I smile as I start walking by her side to the park.

Yuzuru's POV
We arrive at the park. "Do you want to eat something?" I look at (Y/N) and nod slowly. "There's a store where they sell takoyaki over there. I'll go buy us some." (They/he/she) walk(s) away. I take out my camera looking for something to take pictures of. I see (Y/N) asking for takoyaki. I take a picture.

(They/he/she) turn(s) to me while waiting. I point my camera to (them/him/her). (They/he/she) smile(s) and move(s) (their/her/his) hand up. I take a picture. (They/he/she) turn(s) back to the man on the store and grabs the takoyaki. (They/he/she) start(s) walking back to me.

"Here's your order ma'am." (They/he/she) hand(s) me the takoyaki with a smile. "Why thank you (Sir/Mrs)." (They/He/She) laugh(s). "I bought you some water." (They/He/She) hand(s) me the water. "Thanks." "No problem. How did the picture come out." "It came out nicely. Do you want to see it?" "Might as well." I hand (them/him/her) the camera.

"I've only seen one of your pictures, but I must say it came out rather nicely. You're quite talented." "Thanks."  (They/he/she) open(s) (their/her/his) bag and take out the sketchbook (they/he/she) bought. "Do you want to see what I was drawing yesterday?" "I thought it wasn't for me to see." "Ehehehe, I don't like showing my drawings that much. I must've came out as rude. I usually only let people see my paintings, and only if it's on an exhibition or if I'm selling them." "Oh, I must be special if you're showing me your drawing then. Show me show me." "Yes you indeed must be special since I'm not only showing it to you, I am in fact giving it to you." (They/he/she) give(s) a drawing of Shoko, Ishida and me walking to me.

"It's really nice... stalker." "Hey! It's not stalking it's capturing nature's beauty." "I don't know, it kinda looks like stalking to me." "It's not!" "Then what nature's beauty are you capturing." I say mockingly. "Of course you, and don't make fun of my art!" I blush a bit. "I don't know if art and stalking are synonyms but go off." "Shut up, it's not stalking!" I laugh. "I'm just joking... kind of. Still it's a pretty drawing. Thank you." I smile. "Anytime." "Now the question is... how many times have you drawn me?" I grab (their/his/her) sketchbook and run. "Hey! Give it back!" "Haha, no." (They/he/she) run(s) after me.

"Yuzuru! I wasn't made for running! Get back here!" I laugh and continue running. I hide behind a tree. I open the sketchbook and see a drawing of a plant, I flip the page and...

"Found you!" I stand and run accidentally tripping on the tree's roots. I feel a pair of arms wrap around me. "You should be careful." I blush at our closeness. "Yeah, sorry." "You'll get your uniform all dirty."

(Y/N)'s POV
"Sorry, can you let go?" I blush a bit and let go. We take pictures of animals and plants together. "Goodbye Yuzuru. See you tomorrow." She nods.

Mirror stalker. (Yuzuruxreader.)Where stories live. Discover now