Take 4

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I just decided that I'll write what they say in sign language 'like this' in stead of saying she said hi I said hi back cause you know, you are dealing with a lazy author. Also, I'm not sure how to call you if you don't prefer boy nor girl so I'll put person as the other option. If you have a word for how to call you then please tell me.

Yuzuru's POV
I open the door and Shoko runs and hugs me. 'Where were you?' 'I was hanging out with the (boy/girl/person) I told you about when we went eating with Ishida.' 'We were worried.' 'Sorry.'


"Did you hear (Y/N) got a girlfriend?" "Really?" "Yes, a friend saw (them/him/her) hugging her at the park." "That's a bummer, I thought (they/he/she) (were/was) kind of cute." "Don't worry, my friend said she wasn't that good looking. You can still steal (them/him/her) for yourself." I go to my locker to grab my books. "I must say rumors are quite a ridiculous thing. Let me put it this way. The chance of you and me ever being together is of approximately 0.021%. I do consider beauty quite an important thing, but as a smart bard once said 'beauty is a waste when the beholder has no taste'. To put it simply the 0.021% chance you have of being with me is if I got forced to. Besides that, I wish you'd respect my dear friend and stop making rumors of her being my girlfriend. She's also rather beautiful and worth painting as a unique piece of art. Your friend's eyes must get checked. I can also hug whoever I want and it'd be none of your business. So if you please would shut your useless lie spilling mouths up." I turn to look at (Y/N) who's glaring at the girls. One starts crying. For god's sake (Y/N). I drag (them/him/her) away. "You should really find a nicer way to tell them to stop making rumors." "If they can't handle the way I say that then they'd never be able talk to me normally, because I always speak like that." "Still, you just made a girl cry." "As a person once said 'This is the first time in my life that I've been provoked to hit a woman'." "Just go to class already!"


I start walking with Shoko to the park where we agreed to meet Ishida at. "Yay! I finally found one. Supposedly voices won't sound so squeaky with this one. I forgot to buy batteries. Actually I have them in my hand. Man, my memory is trash." I turn around to see (Y/N) coming out of a store. "Hi (Y/N)." "Oh, hello Yuzuru. How are you?" "Good, what about you?" "Good too." "I see you're hanging out with someone at the moment, I believe it isn't very respectful for me to interrupt. Goodbye." "You're one weird person, see you." "Not the first time you've said it, but same goes to you." I walk with Shoko.

'Why don't you invite (them/him/her) to hang out with us?' 'But we're hanging out with Ishida.' 'I'm sure he doesn't mind.' 'Okay then.' "Yo, (Y/N)!" "What's wrong, Yuzuru?" "Do you want to hang out with us?" "I see no reason to say no. Unless she doesn't want me too." "She's the one who told me to invite you." Shoko moves her hand up to say hi.

(Y/N)'s POV
'Hi I o-n-l-y k-n-o-w t-h-e a-l-p-h-a-b-e-t a-n-d s-o-m-e w-o-r-d-s. Sorry.' 'D-o-n-t w-o-r-r-y.' I nod. We walk to the park and see the black haired boy. "Yo, Ishida." "Hi." He stares at me. "This is (Y/N)." "Nice too meet you." "Same."

I'm lazy and will write the other part later

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