Manga special: A silent voice

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I just bought the manga and finished it so I'm making a special.

(Y/N)'s POV
I walk over to Yuzuru's house. I knock on the door and she opens. "Hello, my love. You look cute in that uniform. Bad luck I can't see you at school." "Thanks, come in." I go inside and we go to her room.

We sit on her bed. "So, how's school going?" "I hate that stupid math thing." "It's trigonometry." "Shut up." I laugh

"I like your legs." "Where did that come from?" "Just saying. By the way, is that a sketch book?" "Yes, I had it here and thought you might want to teach me how to draw." "Might as well. I don't like that uniform."

"Didn't you say I look cute in it?" "Yes, but that skirt is short and you have beautiful slender legs. Imagine how many people would want to have a beautiful masterpiece like you as their girlfriend?" "Are you jealous?" "Yes. You're mine. Mine and my only. I'll murder anyone who dares to look at you."

"What are you gonna do hit them with a paint brush?" "You don't know what I could do with a paint brush. I don't want anyone near you." "It's fine. I don't like anyone else." "Like?" "Love. I'd never like nor love anyone like I do with you." "Good." We share a short kiss. "We should go now." "Alright."

I go sit down to draw while Yuzuru talks to the others. "Stop showing off those skinny legs of yours." He's joking. He's joking. He's just joking. I walk to Yuzuru. "Yuzuru." I wrap my sweater around her waist. Don't say anything. Sit down.

I go and sit down to continue drawing. "Who are you?" "No one." "I came with my older brother, and you?" "Someone." "What school do you go to?" "One." "What are you drawing?" "Art." "Who is that?" I look up and glare at the person. I see Yuzuru looking at me. She smiles and then looks at the other person.

I stand up and walk to Yuzuru. "My love, why don't you tell me the name of your friends?" "Sure." We walk to a group of people. "This is Nagatsuka, Ueno, Mashiba, Kawai, Sahara, Ishida and Shoko." "Nice to meet you. Nice seeing you again Ishida." 'Nice to see you again, Shoko.'

"Who's this?" "I'm her..." I see the nervous look on her face. "Friend, (Y/N)." "This is my (girlfriend/boyfriend/lover)." "Wait, really?" "Yes." "So Yuzuru's got someone before me!"

"Hehe, yes. In fact we've been together since middle school. Maybe you're just destined to be alone, shithead." "Language." "Sorry." "It seems you have a controlling (boyfriend/girlfriend/lover), Yuzuru." "Shut up, shithead. She's as free as a bird." "Language." "Sorry."

We get back to her house and lay on her bed. I hug her and kiss her forehead. "Why are you so beautiful? It's so hard for me not to carry a blanket to cover you with every time we're out." "Don't say that." "Sorry. Maybe a sweater would be better for my girlfriend." I pull her closer until our bodies are squeezed together.

"My beautiful, cute, pretty girlfriend. With her beautiful face, slim waist, slightly flat chest, slender legs, soft hair, soft hands, plump lips, beautiful eyes, and a pure heart." "Did you just call me flat?" "Only your chest, I must say. You have a very nice butt." "Pervert."

"Hey! I was complimenting you." "By calling me flat." "But I don't care about that. I just want my girlfriend happy." "Others care." "Why would others matter? You're mine. They shouldn't be looking at my girlfriend's chest." "Right, sorry." "Don't apologize. I shouldn't have looked at your chest either way."

"It's okay, but why don't you care? I thought you'd care with all your art stuff." "I like it... your chest. If it was bigger I wouldn't be able to have you this close. I like touching you. That sounded weird. This is getting kind of inappropriate. I like it when we hold hands, or when we hug. When I touch you I feel warm, but it's a special warm. If I covered myself with a blanket I'd feel warm, but a single brush against your shoulder will make me feel warm. I may know a lot of stuff, yet I could never describe that warmth. It's a fuzzy feeling, I just want to touch you so I can feel it again. Even the slightest touch. Even if our fingers touched I'd feel that warmth. I love you." I place my lips on hers.

We kiss for a while until I lick her lips. I pull away blushing. "Sorry." "It's fine." "No, I need to keep myself from doing that. Sorry. I should go home." I feel my arm get pulled as I try to stand.

"No. Stay. I liked it when you did that the first time. Why do you want to keep yourself from doing that?" "Because that usually leads to something more. I'm so confused right now. I love you so much. So so much, that I just... don't know how to show it anymore. A hug isn't enough. A kiss isn't enough. I just feel like I'm gonna blow up from all the love that I have for you." She giggles and places a small kiss on my lips. "I love you too."

I pepper her face with kisses. "I know you probably think I'm old schooled, and I am. I'm against living together without being married, but I want you to live with me when we go to college. Will you?" "Alrigh-" "I'm not saying we'll sleep on the same bed or anything. I just want to see you every day." "Alr-" "Of course I don't mean it like I don't want to sleep with you. If you want we can sleep together, but only if you want." "I said alright! I want to live with you too." "Oh, thank you, my love. Remember we're getting married, too." She blushes and nods.

"Why is my future wife so beautiful?" "Thanks." "You know, I remember when we first met. You were so tough. You didn't talk to me. You ended up being such a cute and soft person." "I'm not soft!" "I see." "Maybe I have a small soft spot for you. Just a small one." "Thank you."

"I should go home now." "No, stay." "Your mom is here. I'm pretty sure she still doesn't like me. I need to be alive to marry you." "Please." She does puppy eyes while I sigh. "Alright, I'll tell my mom I'm going home later." "Yay!"

Mirror stalker. (Yuzuruxreader.)Where stories live. Discover now