Take 8

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(Y/N)'s POV
I sit in front of the piano. "Now, our first participant will be (Y/N) (L/N), who will be playing 'To a wild rose' from Edward MacDowell."

"Our next participant is Silvia Smith, who will be playing 'twinkle twinkle little star'." "Next Rose Smith who will be playing (random song)." "Now (Y/N) (L/N) will play 'All I ask of you' from the Phantom of the opera."

"Next we have (random name), who will be playing (random song)." "Next we have Rose Smith, who will playing (random song)." "And lastly we have (Y/N) playing, 'Just the two of us' by Bill Withers and Grover Washington, Jr."

"Thank you all for coming, please give our young pianists an applause." The people sitting claps as I start walking down the stage to where mom's sitting besides Yuzuru, Shoko and Ishida. (I just realized I made Shoko go to a piano presentation even though she can't hear and I'm crying)

"Hi, Yuzuru!" "Say hello to your mother first." Yuzuru laughs while pointing to mother who's glaring at me. "Hi, mom." "Hello, (son/daughter/child) who forgets about (their/his/her) mother to go talk to (their/his/her) girlfriend." I try to control the blush forming on my face. "She's not my girlfriend! Ishida, hello." "Hi." 'Hello.' 'Hi.' "I may or may not have heard that half of the school think Yuzuru is your girlfriend." "Yuzuru, what did you tell her?" "I didn't say anything! I was recording this whole time!" "And I'm the stalker?" I laugh a bit. "Oh, so now I can't record a piano presentation?"

"Didn't you take a picture of her that day you asked us for directions?" I feel my face flush red. "No I didn't. I was taking a picture of the restaurant!" "Weren't you painting her? Like eight times already? Even in some mini canvases." "I've painted other people!" "You've never painted anyone. Besides, don't you have a recorder with your conversations with her." "Her voice is rememberable! Don't misunderstand! We're friends!" "Oh right, about that. One of the parents from school told me." "Oh, that even reached the parents. This is rather embarrassing, I hope you don't have to deal with this when you get home. She isn't my girlfriend, we're just friends. Since I don't really talk to anyone unless I consider it necessary, and I invited her to the art room and lent her my brushes and let her finish one of my paintings, some people started some rumors. Especially because we hanged out at the park and she tripped and I caught her, but someone saw and thought I was hugging her. After that rumors just started going around even more. I hope no one was at the art room today or else rumors will get even worse."

"What do you mean? What happened at the art room?" "Nothing." "Tell me." "We just hugged, and may have said embarrassing stuff by mistake." "What do you mean?!" "This is why I don't tell you how my day went." "Respect toward your mother, (Y/N)." "Sorry, Yuzuru. It's nothing important really, she isn't my girlfriend. I have no interest in rumors, but they make her uncomfortable. Which I don't like."

"Did you just apologize?! Yuzuru, what have you done to my child?! You know what, it doesn't matter. I ship you two!" We both turn red. I cover my face with my hand. "Don't say such ridiculous stuff, besides ship isn't a term that's used often!" "Respect! But I agree." "Sorry Yuzuru." "Say sorry to your mother, not me." "Sorry mother." "I want for you to marry my (son/daughter/child)!" "Mother!"

"By the way, you're really pretty, and your sister is too. So I can see why (Y/N) likes painting you." "Mother!" "Thank you. Don't scream at your mother." "Sorry, Yuzuru. I apologize mother." "I hope you two start dating!" "Mother, please do not say such stuff. You'll make Yuzuru uncomfortable." "Sorry, Yuzuru." I turn to look at the blushing Yuzuru. "Hehe, don't worry about that. If the world wants us two date than maybe we will. I'm sure (Y/N) will find a most prefect person who will treat (them/him/her) right and love (them/him/her) if not."

"But the world doesn't matter! You like photography right? In one of (Y/N)'s paintings you were holding a camera. (Y/N) considers photography a form of art. So you both like photography and it may not look like it, but (they/he/she) (is/are) a very nice, gentle, and respectful person. Although (they/he/she) (is/are) a very conscious person. (They/he/she) will get nervous and stressed out of anything. Grades, clubs, friends. (They/he/she) (doesn't/don't) have many friends, I'm very grateful that you're there for (them/him/her). (Y/N) probably didn't tell you since it's a bit of a sensitive topic, but when (Y/N) was in kindergarten (they/he/she) used to have many friends, but with time they all stopped talking to (them/him/her). That repeated many times over the years, so (Y/N) started to get interested in art as it was a form of capturing stuff. (Y/N) stopped having friends, would often speak to (them/him/her) self. I even took (them/him/her) to a psychiatrist, but (they/he/she) ended up making the psychiatrist spill her life secrets and cry. The fact you're keeping up with (them/him/her) and staying there. Not many do that. Specially after hearing all that rambling." "Mother, stop exposing me. I apologize for my mother telling you all that useless stuff about my life. Also about that girlfriend stuff. I hope she isn't making you uncomfortable. Anyways, I shouldn't keep you here any further. A beautiful girl like you shouldn't be walking in the middle of the dark." I hug her and place a kiss on her forehead.

"Goodbye, see you tomorrow." She hugs me back. "Sleep tight." "You too." "Make sure to have dinner before you go to sleep." "Okay, you too." "Yes, good night then." "Right, you'll continue the painting tomorrow, right?" "Yeah, you'll come watch, right?" "Yeah." "Good night, now." "Right." "You know..." "what's wrong?" "I don't have your phone number nor email to talk." "Oh, I should give it to you."

She takes her phone from her pocket and I take mine from mine (imagine your dress has a pocket if you're wearing a dress). "It's *** *** **** and my email is ************@****.com." I put it and send her a message. "That's me." "Okay, see you. Good night." "Yeah." "Don't let the bed bugs bite." "Same." "Calm down love birds, you'll see each other tomorrow. You can continue hugging then." "R-right." We let go of each other. "See you then Yuzuru." "Right." "Make sure you get home safe." "Okay." "Send me a message when you get there." "Okay." "Actually, it's safer if you send me a picture." She starts laughing. "You're such a worry wart. I'll send you a picture, now I'll get going before it gets darker." She places a kiss on my cheek. "Okay, good bye Ishida, Shoko." I sign goodbye to Shoko.

I got to my room when I suddenly head my phone vibrate. I quickly take it from my pocket. I see a photo of Yuzuru with a plate of food. 'That looks yummy. Remember to chew your food enough times and to wait an hour before laying down, it's not good for you.' 'You talk like my grandma.' 'Is that a compliment?' 'I'm not sure.' 'Don't use your phone while eating.' 'Sorry, my internet is failing. Your last message was not delivered.' 'Make sure to brush your teeth and wash your face before going to sleep.' 'Okay.' 'See you tomorrow. Do you want me to walk you to school?' 'Okay, why?' 'No reason.' 'Let me send you my direction.'

Mirror stalker. (Yuzuruxreader.)Where stories live. Discover now