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Yeah, I know. I did fifteen chapters, that's sad and unexpected, but I have no intelligence on romantic relationships. I love this story, I wish I'd be able to continue it, but I can't. Just know that I'm putting a lot of effort on every single thing I write. I'm not good at any type of affection. The most affection I'm able to show is putting my hand on someone's head, give them a pat and ruffle their hair. While the most affection I'll ask for is leaning my head to look down and hope I get a head pat or something. I hope you like this fanfic. Thank you all for reading. After I do the epilogue I'll do specials every single festivity. Including your birthday, Yuzuru's birthday, Christmas and all that.

(Y/N)'s POV
I cover Yuzuru's eyes as I walk to the terrace. I move my hands away. "Five years ago. We had our first date. In this exact room. At this same hour. We were on pajamas. The plates were on the exact same place. So now, the only difference is this." I get on one knee and take out a small box.

"Before we start with our date. I absolutely love you, you're the most perfect human being. So, will you be my wife?" I open the box showing a ring.

"We should be planning our schedule and all." "Right." "But before that... I absolutely love you, you're the most perfect human being. So, will you be my girlfriend?"

I see a tear fall down her face. "Did I make you sad?" "No, I'm really happy, I'm not sure why I'm crying. I'd love to be your wife."

"You're crying." "Sorry." "Don't apologize. Are you sad?" "No, I'm happy. I'm not sure why I'm crying." "You don't necessarily cry out of sadness."

I stand up and pull her in a hug. "Good, I don't want anyone else to steal you from me. My beautiful piece of art." I peck her lips. "I love you." She smiles. "I don't deserve you. I don't get how you managed to stay with me for so long. Yet you have."

"Why are you so cute, Yuzuru? You make it so hard for me not too kiss you nor cover your face so only I can see it. You're so nice, I want to be a person you deserve. Not me, I want to have friends and to be able to see faces."

"That doesn't matter. I love you, and you love me. As long as you love me and I love you it doesn't matter who's deserves who."

"I don't care about that. I love you no matter what. I don't mind how much affection you give to me. Do you love me?" "Yes, I love you more then I can explain." "Then it doesn't matter if you show me affection as long as you love me, because I love you."

I stand on the altar and hear the music play. I see Yuzuru walk in with a beautiful dress. I suddenly fall.

I wake up and run to the bathroom and throw up. "What's wrong (Y/N)?" "Nothing." "Are you sure?" I hear the door open and Yuzuru comes in. "I'm fine." "Hah, are you pregnant or something?" She giggles. "No, is that even possible. (I'm a male/you're a girl/we haven't done it yet)." "Im just kidding. What's wrong?" "I'm just nervous. We're getting married in a week." "You're more nervous than me and I'm the one who's walking with heels and a huge dress all the way to you. You just have to stand and learn your votes." "Yes, but what if there's an insect. You know I hate insects, or what if the guy on the piano messes up? I should play the music. I'm telling him not to c-" "You need to stand at the altar. It's fine. If anything wrong happens we'll just continue with the wedding."

"Yuzuru Nishimiya, do you accept (Y/N) [(S/N)] (L/N) as your (husband/wife/spouse) through good and bad times, through health and sickness until death does you apart?" "I do." "And (Y/N) (L/N), do you accept Yuzuru Nishimiya a your wife through good and bad times, through health and sickness until death does you apart?" "I do."

We get our rings handed and I put hers on her ring finger. She puts mine on my ring finger. "You may now kiss the bride." "Fun fac-" She pulls me in for a kiss. We pull away with our foreheads touching.

"You can say the fun fact now." "Yes, fun fact. Did you know that the ring goes on that finger because there's a vein there that goes straight to the heart, which means that the ring on that finger represents how you own my heart and I own yours?" "No, I did not, but try not to say fun facts on important moments next time." "Sorry."

"Now we'll have to wait two years to go on our honeymoon because as I mentioned once. We're not having any sexual encounters until we're both twenty two." "Okay then. We can still move together, right?"

I'd never do anything like that until we're both psychologically and physically prepared to go that deep in our relationship. Which also means we'd be married and over twenty two.

"Yeah, I'll be able to wake up by your side every day."

I don't want you to leave, but don't worry. One day I'll marry you. We'll be together forever. I don't want to keep you from living. I'll let you go out whenever you want. The only thing I ask, is to wake up by your side.

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