Take 14

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Haha, yes. Nice fluffy chapter.
(Y/N)'s POV
"So, our room is on the fifth floor, and we have the tv on the bathroom which's purpose I'm still questioning." "Alright." We enter the room.

"Why are these rooms so big?!" "I think I might get lost." "I entered the closet instead of the restroom in the other room." "Yeah, I remember the closet door closed and I suddenly saw you coming out of the closet. Kind of scary. You looked pretty though." "I had messy hair and pajamas." "You're so pretty." "You have problems."

"By the way, I just started a new tradition." "What did you start now?" "I'm leaving paintings of you hidden everywhere we go." "That's creepy." "Really? I thought it was cute." "I guess it is, but it's still kind of creepy." "Oh, sorry. I'll stop." "No, don't be sorry. It's fine, it is cute. I'm not sure if it's legal, but it's nice. You can keep doing it."

"I'm definitely leaving a painting of you on haunted mansion." "Hey! I'm not that ugly!" "No, you're absolutely beautiful. I meant in a grave. No one will know." "I'm pretty sure there's cameras." I peck her lips. "No one will know." She blushes and looks away.

"I'm gonna go change now." "Do you wanna watch some tv?" "Yeah, I'll change first though." We both go change into our pajamas.

"Can't sleep?" "No." "Do you want to sleep with me?" "Isn't the bed a bit small?" "I'll make sure not to throw you." I feel her come and hug me. "Sleep tight."

"Hey." "What's wrong?" "Why don't you call me anything?" "I call you Yuzuru." "But, you've never given me a nickname, or a pet name." "Sparky? Spotty? Bess?" "I thought we already talked about pet names." "Oh, the honey, mine, sweetie, love stuff." "Yeah."

"What do you want me to call you?" "I don't know. Whatever you want." "Yuzu." "What?" "Yuzu, I like it." "Oh, it's nice." "Do you not like it?" "No, it's nice." "My love, you're crying. Will you tell me what's wrong?" "I'm not crying." "Yes you are. Please tell me." "It's nothing." "Okay then, but please tell me when you're ready." "Right." I pepper her face with kisses. "Sleep tight, my love." "You too."

I wake up when my head hits the floor. "Ouch." I see Yuzuru with her arm and legs spread across the bed. I sigh as I lift her up and put her on top of me. "Sweet dreams, my love."

I wake up to Yuzuru looking at me. "What's wrong, my love?" "You look calm when you sleep." "You look cute, even when you throw me off the bed." "I threw you off the bed?" "Yes, that's why you're on top of me." "Sorry." "Don't worry, my love." I see her blush and look at me smiling. I peck her lips and smile.

"It's pretty early. Why don't you go take a bath? You can watch the tv while bathing." "Okay. Do you think it'd be wrong... for you to take a bath with me?" "It would be inappropriate." "Haha yeah, sorry." "But we could bathe on our swimming suits." I see her smile at me. "Okay." "Why do you want to take a bath with me though?" "I like having you close."

We finish taking a bath and go for breakfast. "Let's go now." "Okay." "Do you want me to carry you?" "Yeah!" I pick her up and she wraps her legs around my waist and her arms on my neck. I smile and kiss her cheek.

"Hi, (sir/miss/mx), is that your daughter?" I turn to look at a little boy around eight. "I'm not that short!" "No, this is my girlfriend." "What's a girlfriend?" "Well, it's like... how your mommy and daddy are married. Me and her are something before married." "Like Ana and Christopher?!" I smile and nod. "Yes, we're like Ana and Christopher."

"Johnatan, what did I say about speaking to strangers?!" "But daddy, I met these people that are like Ana and Christopher!" "It was nice meeting you, Johnatan. We should get going now." I walk away with Yuzuru.

"Hey, look. They paint silhouettes over there." "That's cool." "Can we go?" "They're just silhouettes. I could do that." "Could it be that you're jealous?" "Jealous?! Of course not! Why would I be jealous?" "Because I want someone else to paint me." "Don't be ridiculous! I don't care who paints you, go ahead. You can go if you want to." "Okay then." She starts walking inside the store. "I'm not going with you." I smile when she enters the store.

I enter a shop nearby. I go to the silhouette painting store. "How's it going?" "I like it." She shows me a silhouette on a circle. "Cool. I'm paying for that." She sighs and pouts.

"I got you a gift." "Really?" "Yeah, I'm not sure if you'll like it though." "Why?" I give her a necklace with a Mickey Mouse shape with a heart. "I've never seen you wear jewelry, so I thought maybe you wouldn't like it. So I thought maybe you'd like something simple." "I like it. You got it for me, and it's really pretty. Can you help me put it on?" I put it on her.

"How does it look?" "Beautiful." "I'm never taking it off." "That's not safe, you may choke on your sleep." "I'll take it off as little as I can." I smile and peck her nose. "I love you." "I love you too." "Let's go to haunted mansion now!"

I lay on bed with Yuzuru on top of me. "I love you." "I love you too." "My love, why don't you like it when I pay for your stuff?" "You realize you paid for a gift for Shoko and my mom, right?" "Yeah." "It was a gift from me. Not even married couples pay for gifts from their wife or husband to their parents." "Sorry. I'm still paying for your stuff." "Fine." I smile and kiss her.

"Having you sleep by my side is not healthy. I think my heart is gonna explode." "I'm not by your side, I'm on top of you. The bed is small." "My love, do you think you'll love me in five years?" "Of course." "So, will you marry me?" "We're fifteen." "When we can. Not right now. When you're ready. Will you marry me then?" "Yes." "Thank you. I don't deserve you." "Shut up. I love you. It doesn't matter if you deserve me or not."

Mirror stalker. (Yuzuruxreader.)Where stories live. Discover now