Take 6

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Yuzuru's POV
I start walking to school. "Good morning Yuzuru." "Hi, (Y/N)." "How did you sleep?" "I had a weird dream, what about you?" "Pretty calmly, what was your dream about." "Shoko and I were in this small house. It only had two rooms separated by a wall, one was slightly higher so it had a ramp. We were on the lower room when the floor started falling down so we ran to the higher room. In the lower room there was lava and suddenly a weird figure started floating out of it. It said something but I can't remember." "That does sound like an odd dream. Who's Shoko?" "That's my sister, the one from yesterday." "Oh. I should remember that."

"Haha, I thought you had a good memory." "I do, I've just been distracted lately." "What's distracting you?" "Art." "Have you started doing a new type of art?" "No, I just found a new piece of art. By the way, I have a piano presentation. Would you like to attend? They gave me four tickets, but I only invited one person. Meaning my mom, so you can invite your sister and the other guy." "Ishida?" "Oh yes, that's his name."

"When's your presentation?" "Tomorrow." "I'll ask them if they want to come." (They/he/she) smile(s). "I hope I get to see you there. Please ignore if my mom asks any weird questions." "Uhhhhh sure." "Oh, I need to pick up my canvas before class starts. See you later hopefully." (They/he/she) walk(s) away.


I kind of want to see (Y/N). I wonder why? We are on break right now, so I'm sure (they/she/he) (doesn't/don't) mind. I start walking to (Y/N)'s class. "I was about to go to the art room, why have you gotten on my way?" "We're from the school newspaper." "I noticed, although that's not what I asked. Why have you gotten on my way? If there's no purpose then move." "We've come to ask about your newfound relationship with Yuzuru Nishimiya." "That's non of your business."

"It in fact is. You're captain of the art club and music club and writing club and craft club, and help with the drama club. Everyone in school knows you and many boys and girls like you." "That's not my problem." "We just want some information." "Okay then, but I will report you if you don't write what I say and make up stuff. We are friends. I saw her taking a picture and decided to talk to her. We became friends. That's it. Will you allow me to leave now?" "That's not a good story for us to write." "No one asked you to."

"We'll put it this way. We have pictures." "I have pictures too. Some are of flowers, some are animals and some people." "We have pictures of you two. Hugging, talking, painting." "And?" "We can publish them and make a more interesting article." "Good for you. Except for the fact that we've never hugged." "Then what is this?" "Oh, that's one very bad taken picture. Yuzuru, you should join the photography club. The pictures in the school newspaper are awful. Anyways, that picture is not a hug. We agreed to hang out to take pictures together and she tripped on a tree root. I only stopped her from falling." I poke my head through the door.

"Hi (Y/N). I thought we could hang out." "I was gonna finish my painting, but I don't mind." "We're still here." "We know." "We can hang out in the art room." "Also, that photo is edited because my hands were on her back not on any place lower." "Let's go now, we only have 20 minutes left." "Right." We walk to the art room.

We sit and I watch (them/him/her) paint. "So, why did you come see me?" "No specific reason, I just thought I'd ask to hangout with you." "I see, there's no need to eavesdrop though." "I just thought I'd wait for you to stop talking. You have a really good hearing." I laugh a bit. "Oh, don't compliment me too much, you'll make my self esteem go higher then it should." "No one said it was a compliment.~" "You're so mean to me, I think I might just cry." (They/he/she) pout(s) as I laugh. "Are you laughing at my disgraces, Yuzuru?" "What if I am?" "The we won't be friends anymore." "Sheesh no need to go that far to entertain eavesdroppers."

"Sorry, sorry. Please leave. Unless you have a purpose to be in the art room, or I'll have to ban the entrance of anyone uninvited that enters the art room and is not part of the art club. Which would be bad for all the clubs, including the art club."

"Sorry, (L/N)." "It's fine, I've just been dealing with some rumors that are going around. Anyways, both the president and vice-president of the drama club. Is there something you need?" "We came to ask for the art club to make some materials we need for a play." "You'd have to ask the craft club. The school's lack of smartness decided that in art club all you do is draw or paint." "You are the president of the craft club." "Oh, right. I'll tell them today." "Here's the things we need." They hand (them/him/her) some papers. "Okay, I should try to finish this painting now." They leave as (Y/N) sits again.

"So, another flower. What else do you paint?" "Places, plants, animals, ecosystems... people, anything I consider beautiful really." "Have you ever painted yourself?" A smirk forms on (their/his/her) lips as (they/he/she) turns to look at me. "Are you saying I'm beautiful?" I blush and look away. "No, I just asked if you had painted yourself. It was an unrelated question." "That's not what your face says, Yuzuru~."

"My face says embarrassment, don't misunderstand!" (They/he/she) start(s) laughing. "I'm just teasing you! Don't get mad at me. Although now that you mention it, I've never painted myself. Maybe I will someday... do you want me to paint you?" I turn to look at (them/him/her) in shock. "Why would you do that?!" "Just cause." "Sure, if you want to, I guess." 

"Tomorrow. During break come here so I can start the sketch." "Sure." "But I must finish this flower first."

Mirror stalker. (Yuzuruxreader.)Where stories live. Discover now